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Enter the wild: online and solo focusing adventure in nature

8th May 2018 Stroud, South West

Specialist online

This day “retreat” (both online and solo in nature) will guide us into a more intimate relationship with the natural world – one where we can begin to hear it’s wisdom.

We will meet at the beginning of the day on zoom to focus , explore and share our intentions for the journey. Then we will venture out (even if its just your garden!). You will be given guided audio exercises to support your exploration and time in nature. We will then return at the end of the day to share our discoveries.

Ideally you would be able to access some outdoor space – the wilder the better but any natural space will work. Please keep to the social distancing guidelines in your trip – and treat this as your daily exercise.


Suitable for: open to anyone who knows the basics of focusing and listening

This is a gift economy event – pay what you feel it is worth after the event.

Booking link (offsite)

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