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Befriending our critics – Focusing Skills course Module 4

5th April 2025 - 13th April 2025

Focusing Skills Certificate Workshop/Event

In this online workshop, the fourth module of five for the Focusing Skills Certificate, we will look more closely at the different ‘parts’, or  ‘partial-selves’ that we often meet when we are Focusing, especially the dynamic of what’s often called the ‘inner critic’ and its relationship to other parts of us. You will discover how to meet these dynamics with more space and kindness, both when you are Focusing yourself and when you are companion to another Focuser, and you will see how they are often not quite what we take them to be.  In doing this you will continue to build on the skills you have already learnt as a Focuser and as a companion.

The course will take place over four mornings from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm, on Saturday 5th April 2025, Sunday 6th April, Saturday 12th April and Sunday 13th April. The cost is £130 for the four mornings, concessionary rate £90. If you would like to attend but are unable to pay the concessionary rate, please contact me. Do also contact me if you would like to book an individual session.

Booking link (offsite)

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