Creative Compassion: Towards a Sense of Belonging
27th June 2024
Introductory Workshop/Event
In this webinar we are going to connect what belongs together: The expressive voice of ME, the expressive voices of YOU and the expressive voice of the Bigger Us. Diving into Focusing with the Expressive Arts we take care of individual and collective needs celebrating expressive humaness.
Duration: 120 minutes
Prizing: 25 EUR for European participants, 28 EUR for participants outside EU. As soon as 4 participants have signed up, you will get your workshop confirmation and invoice
Host/Presenter: Freda Blob, FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio
Language: German English
Art materials: Paper, tape, oil crayons or pastels, pencil
No previous art experience required. Focusing experience is helpful
Click the booking button for full workshop description