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Finding the Help Within – an introductory Focusing workshop

28th September 2024

Introductory Workshop/Event

How do you know when something’s right for you?

Sometimes it feels like the stars align and your path is magically laid out in front of you. Sometimes, you just know.

It’s great when this happens, isn’t it?

But how often does it happen? The reality of making decisions about your career or your work is much more complicated.

We’re told “tune into yourself”! But no one tells you how. And besides, that’s not always easy either.

It’s hard to hear yourself when outer voices are so loud. It seems like everybody’s got an opinion about what you should do.

Moreover, when you do try to find your inner wisdom (that everyone says should be there), instead your inner gremlins troll you with their stories about how “you can’t do it” and “why are you even trying”.

However, it’s also true that there is help within you for decision making and for finding your best next steps.

So, what if there was a more reliable way to access this authentic, wise, intuitive inner self?

To get clarity about who you are and what you want?

That’s exactly what Experiential Focusing is: A structured process for getting in contact with your inner wisdom – not in some airy fairy way, but directly through your bodymind sweet spot – where your smart brain, wise body and loving heart magically meet.

Want to know more? I’m teaching an introductory workshop for beginners on Saturday 28th September. It’s online, so no worries about trains or parking.

It’s called “Finding the Help Within” and you can book now.

Go directly to booking here…

All the details:

Date: Saturday 28th September 2024

Time: 14:00 – 16:30 (don’t worry, there will be breaks!)

Place: Live Online (zoom – a recording will be available – let me know if you don’t want to be recorded)

Type: Small group workshop (maximum 8 people); live and interactive; breakout rooms won’t be recorded

Cost: £40 per person

Booking link (offsite)

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