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Focusing Skills Certificate 2025-26

18th September 2025 - 19th March 2026 Zoom

Focusing Skills Certificate

Focusing is a process that can enrich all areas of our lives, as it is about the very way that we pay attention to what we experience. Often we have habitual ways of relating to ourselves, others and situations: Focusing can help us to slow down, listen inside and appreciate the subtleties in our experience. Developing the ability to listen to ourselves with compassion can help us to know what our needs are, make changes and respond differently in life. Being able to notice the richness of our internal and external lives can also make us feel more alive. Focusing is a natural skill that anyone can develop and Focusing-listening partnerships are a brilliant way of improving wellbeing and supporting self exploration. Focusing can help us steer a calmer path through the fast driven ways of the modern world!

These workshops are experiential and so are usually open to no more than six-eight attendees – book early to ensure your place!

Introduction to Focusing – Thursdays 10am-1pm: 18th Sep, 25th Sep, 2nd Oct, 9th Oct 2025 (£160)
What is Focusing? What is the felt sense? You will be introduced to the Focusing process and the particular way of Focusing Listening. We will explore the Focusing attitude and ‘clearing a space’.  After the two days you should have the skills to enter a Focusing-Listening partnership.

Presence, Blocks and the Inner Relationship Thursdays 10am 1pm: 16th Oct, 23rd Oct, 6th Nov, 13th Nov 2025 (£160)
What are the reasons why you might get stuck when you’re Focusing? We will look at blocks to the Focusing process – particularly the Inner Critic – and how to work with them. We will also look at the Inner Relationship, working with the different parts of us and issues to do with the self.

Listening, Language and the Body – Thursdays 10am 1pm: 20th Nov, 27th Nov 2025, 8th Jan, 15th Jan 2026 (£160)
We will look at deepening your listening practice, making the Focusing process collaborative and how use of language can influence the Focusing process. We will also explore our connection with the body and utilising the wider space to support us.

Dreaming and Intuition Thursdays 10am 1pm: 22nd Jan, 29th Jan, 5th Feb, 12th Feb 2026 (£160)
This weekend will give us the opportunity to be with our dreams and explore them in a Focusing way. You will be invited to let go of rational thought and allow in the childlike or instinctual so we can look at intuition and what nourishes it.

Creativity and Values into Action Thursdays 10am 1pm: 26th Feb, 5th Mar, 12th Mar, 19th Mar 2026 (£160)
The final weekend will include more opportunity to nurture creativity and intuition. We will look at how Focusing may relate to your values or spirituality and how we can work with action steps. On completion of the five weekends you receive the  Focusing Skills Certificate.

All workshops are experiential and involve plenty of opportunity to practice Focusing!

“A stunningly good workshop – thank you so much. I’m recommending it to people already”

“I’ve been in many well facilitated groups over the years and this one was particularly warm and inviting”

“Suzi, I really loved the tranquil and spacious atmosphere you created within the online space. The way you gently and carefully attended to what everyone was saying and allowed generous time for check in, discussion and paired work really set the tone for the slowing down and noticing in our Focusing”


I have been teaching the Skills Certificate for many years on weekends and have decided to offer this on a weekday in 2025-26, for those who may find weekend attendance more difficult. This format means you can also you can do the Skills certificate in a shorter period of time and benefit from more regular contact with those in the group. Workshops after the Intro do not necessarily need to be done in order and if you have completed an Intro workshop with another teacher you may book on to workshops in my Skills Certificate course.

Get in touch if you have any questions or would like to book.

Discount! Book all of the workshops after the Intro together for £600.

Booking link (offsite)

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