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Going forward with Focusing – Focusing Skills course Module 5

10th May 2025 - 18th May 2025

Focusing Skills Certificate Workshop/Event

In this fifth and last module of the Focusing Skills Certificate course we will look further at untangling difficult inner dynamics and also look at ways of bringing Focusing into our lives. There will be time for questions and discussion about the course as a whole and for sensing ways of taking the learning forward.

The course will take place over four mornings from 10.00 am – 1.00 pm, on Saturday 10th May 2025, Sunday 11th May, Saturday 12th May and Sunday 13th May. The cost is £130 for the four mornings, concessionary rate £90. If you would like to attend but are unable to pay the concessionary rate, please contact me.


Booking link (offsite)

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