Focusing professionals directory

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  • London

    Karen Liebenguth 

    I have been a Focusing practitioner since 2011. Focusing has greatly enhanced and enriched my own experience of life as well as my coaching and mindfulness work with clients.

  • London

    Peter Afford 

    I'm something of an old timer with Focusing - I've been immersed in it for most of my adult life. It's a reflective practice that finds its way into most things I do. I've also been studying neuroscience for a long time - Focusing helps in understanding how our brains and bodies work.

  • Livingston

    Helen Dillon 

    Conscious Career coach, with 20 years experience coaching women through significant career & life transitions. I offer Focusing-oriented coaching and Focusing training. For me Focusing is a superpower for a fully lived life and meaningful work. Click on my photo to find out more...

  • London

    Mary Louise Morris 

    I am a Mindfulness teacher and Focusing practitioner who works with adults, children and teenagers. Through Focusing I have learnt to listen to and trust my body's wisdom, and have developed confidence that in any situation, something in me knows the next right step.

  • Stroud

    Helen Bower 

    As a trainer I mainly teach care and supporting worker’s own development in areas such as resilience, self-awareness, managing stress, self-regulation and capacity for personal change. Focusing is the main tacit unpinning for this. I Focus regularly and it is my main personal practice.

  • Sheffield

    Colette Cameron 

    Creative practice and Focusing are perfect companions. Images can be made in a Focusing way, and Focusing can be enriched by creative responses. It is this fertile ground of cross pollination, where the two practices enrich each other, that I am especially interested in sharing

  • Brighton

    Suzi Mackenzie 

    I rediscovered Focusing in 2008 when I was training as a counsellor: Something in me knew that I needed it! I found that while I knew I needed to empathise with and accept myself, I didn’t always manage it and Focusing showed me how to do this. Focusing has been...

  • Kenilworth

    Liz Orrell 

    I describe Focusing as the “final piece of the jigsaw”. I have found it to be the most powerful yet gentle approach to personal growth and emotional healing I have encountered in 30 years working in the Therapy, Training, Management and Personal Development field.

  • Northampton NN3, UK

    Rob Burgess 

    I have been sharing Focusing with people for 5 yrs in 1:1 sessions. I also integrate Focusing into my bodywork practice as both Shiatsu and Craniosacral Therapist, which includes mentoring of other therapists as well as trainee Focusing practitioners.

  • St Werburghs, Bristol, UK

    Isla Macdonald 

    I have practiced Focusing for over 18years and since qualified as a psychotherapeutic counsellor with Re-vision

  • Edinburgh

    Ruth Friedman 

    I help my clients overcome self-doubt, value themselves more and increase their confidence so that they can bring more value to their projects I have been focusing since 2014 and trained in Inner Relational Focusing and Relational Whole Body Focusing

  • English Speakers Abroad

    Astrid Schillings 

    Focusing came into my life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with my wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit I became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. I have been been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive...

  • Shrewsbury

    Bethany Rivers 

    I love the compassion, the freshness, the insight that comes from focusing. I'm especially interested in focusing with regards: creativity, dreams and grief.

  • Calstock

    John Threadgold 

    Hi. I am John Threadgold. I am a focusing teacher, therapist and supervisor and specialist in Trauma. I am also accredited for counselling and psychotherapy by the BACP.

  • Holyhead

    Kathleen Kingsley-Hughes 

    Focusing offered me the keys to the rest of me! Finding my felt sense revitalised my learning, creativity & deepened by connection to self and others. I am a Certified Focusing Practitioner. I run a private Integrative Psychotherapy practice and retreat in North Wales.

  • Exmouth

    Claire Schenk 

    Focusing for me is an alchemical threshold, the exquisite process of a felt sense receiving the safety and unconditional acceptance of true Presence so that what is ripe unfolds/live forwards into wholeness. It changed my life over 30 years ago and has guided me ever since. I'm so grateful <3

  • Cornwall, UK

    Hilary Thorn 

    Focusing takes you on a journey out of your thinking mind and into your feeling body, connecting you to your inner wisdom with curiosity and compassion. I love to combine it with creativity, exploring how giving the body another language to express itself can be both liberating and surprising!

  • Porziano

    Alex Maunder 

    I am a Body Worker and a Focusing Trainer with the Focusing Institute and a Co-ordinator in Training, so I offer Wholebody Experiential Focusing individual sessions, group workshops, and training as a TFI Trainer.

  • Rickmansworth

    Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body - that’s been a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opened so tangibly. The trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment became irreversible, so here I am, open to explore and inquire with you