Focusing professionals directory

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  • Bristol

    Gwen Williams 

    Focusing offers us a way to meet and be with ourselves in a way that is gentle and compassionate, where everything in our experience is welcomed and every part of us valued.

  • Cornwall, UK

    Hilary Thorn 

    Focusing takes you on a journey out of your thinking mind and into your feeling body, connecting you to your inner wisdom with curiosity and compassion. I love to combine it with creativity, exploring how giving the body another language to express itself can be both liberating and surprising!

  • Stroud

    Lisa Blaine 

    I love Focusing! It has changed so much for me personally, allowing a kind curiosity to be present much of the time for myself and others and professionally, working as an outdoor person centred counsellor.

  • London

    Peter Afford 

    I'm something of an old timer with Focusing - I've been immersed in it for most of my adult life. It's a reflective practice that finds its way into most things I do. I've also been studying neuroscience for a long time - Focusing helps in understanding how our brains and bodies work.

  • Bristol BS1, UK

    Harriet Brown 

    I love sharing focusing and helping you make sense of the strands of your life and finding a way forward that feels right at a deeper level. I value the peace that can come from living life in the inner-directed way.

  • London

    Farrukh Akhtar 

    I have found Focusing to be one of the most gentle, but powerful ways to cut through all the noise and connect with the wisdom in the body.

  • Brighton BN1, UK

    Greg Madison 

    I am an existential and focusing-oriented chartered psychologist and specialist psychotherapist on the BPS register. I am practicing and supervising online and lecturing worldwide on therapy, focusing, and related topics. I also host The Living Process, a podcast featuring Focusing conversations.

  • Brighton and Hove

    Sandy Gee 

    I've been a keen focuser for over 20 years and a focusing oriented psychotherapist for 10. In recent years I've undergone further advanced training and incorporated into my work Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) both approaches that integrate focusing in a more directly relational...

  • Southampton

    Elizabeth Smith 

    I qualified as a Person-Centred Counsellor in 1996 and since then have worked in private practice in Harrow. I am a Senior Accredited member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and also a member of Association of Christian Counsellors. I first discovered Focusing through witnessing a demonstration given by...

  • Liverton

    Fiona Parr 

    Focusing has given me so much and I enjoy sharing its riches and gifts with others. I teach Focusing from my home on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon, and online. I enjoy working with people in individual sessions and teaching small groups.

  • Alan Tidmarsh 

    After training at the UEA I worked as a focusing-oriented therapist until my retirement in 2024.

  • Brighton and Hove

    Alison Thorpe 

    I'm a self-employed focusing-oriented therapist and focusing practitioner living and working in Brighton. I've been a focuser for 11 years. You're very welcome to contact me to discuss your needs, whether that is counselling or focusing or focusing training.

  • County Antrim, UK

    Cliodhna Davis 

    I am a BACP registered Integrative Psychotherapist, a Focusing- Oriented Psychotherapist and a Focusing Trainer. I have a small private practice in Northern Ireland and work with both adults and children.

  • London

    Vijay Rana 

    Focusing and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner - using Inner Relationship Focuisng

  • English Speakers Abroad

    Astrid Schillings 

    Focusing came into my life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with my wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit I became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. I have been been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive...

  • Stroud

    Caroline Redmond 

    Focusing is life-changing. As a counsellor, I rarely include focusing by teaching, or even mentioning its name. I know its power however, and hold it close as a possibility for each session. People know focusing - it is a natural way - it only needs space and safety and it unfolds as it will

  • Stanmore HA7, UK

    Paula Newman 

    I find Focusing enriching and healing. It supports empathic and accepting listening, which is in tune with my person-centred therapy approach. I value Focusing as a way of coping with physical ailments, and include this as a topic in my Focusing Skills Training.

  • Reading

    Angela Hicks 

    I first started Focusing in 2002. I soon realised I'd found something special. Focusing was life changing for me and helped me to deal with many issues that had previously been blocking me. I trained as a Focusing practitioner and then a Focusing teacher as I want other to benefit as much as I have.

  • Rickmansworth

    Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body - that’s been a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opened so tangibly. The trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment became irreversible, so here I am, open to explore and inquire with you

  • Stroud

    Peter Gill 

    I came across Focusing on a retreat in 2003, and since then I have not looked back. It has made a huge difference to my life. For me it is much more than a therapeutic tool: it connects to a whole approach to living that brings wisdom and compassion to all that life bring us.