Certificate in Focusing-Oriented Therapy

30th April 2022 - 16th October 2022 Inner Focus, Long Stratton, Norfolk, UK, Long Stratton
Professional Training offline
The 60 hour Certificate in Focusing-Oriented Therapy course is available for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists who are registered with a professional body and who already have a good grounding in Focusing theory and practice (you will need to have completed a minimum of a substantial introductory course in Focusing, such as a BFA Focusing Skills course, a TIFI Proficiency in Focusing Partnership Award, the UEA Focusing module on the PGDiploma in Counselling, or equivalent).
The course explores Focusing and deep listening from the context of therapy and will give you the confidence to integrate it safely into your therapeutic work with clients. On passing the course, you will be eligible to receive a certificate in Focusing-Oriented Therapy from The International Focusing Institute, New York (TIFI), and will be certified to practice as a Focusing-Oriented Therapist.
The course is largely experiential, giving plenty of opportunity to practise integrating Focusing in various ways into your counselling/ psychotherapy practice. The aim is to encourage participants to find their own individual style in the way they offer Focusing-Oriented Therapy to their clients.
This is an in-person intensive course, open to a very small cohort of just 6 participants. It is delivered on six weekends over the duration of seven months.
There are two highly experienced trainers present throughout the course – Sara Bradly and Dr Judy Moore, both of whom are BACP-registered Person-Centred Counsellors and Focusing-Oriented Therapists.
With two trainers and just six participants we are able to provide an exceptional holding experience that feels safe and supportive as you explore and deepen the practice of Focusing within your client work.