Children Focusing Day

12th March 2017 Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF, West Midlands
If you’d like to experience some aspects of Children Focusing then do come and join us. For more information, check out our website or get in touch with me.
When and where?
Sunday 12th March 2017, 10-4pm, Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malvern, WR14 2YF
What is this?
A UK gathering of people interested in, or already using Children Focusing so we can gather together, play together, share experiences and deepen our connections through play and creativity.If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to work with children and caregivers using Focusing this is a chance to find out more.
What’s going to happen?
The day is divided into two parts, the morning session being for people who already know Focusing/Children Focusing and are interested in Children Focusing. The afternoon session will be open to the public to offer a taster of some aspects of Children Focusing.
We hope this will be the first of many!