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Portals into Presence Webinar Sat 15 June 2-6pm BST

15th June 2019 online zoom


Over the last two years we – Wholebody Focusing trainers Cecelia Clegg and Addie van der Kooy - have presented a variety of webinars on Presence which have gained us invaluable insight into what it takes to access and sustain an experience of ‘embodied Presence’; and what gets in the way of this.

Embodied Presence points to the experience of an “underlying field of alive Presence” inside you, which is totally unaffected by whatever goes on inside and around you.

Based on these insights we have designed a new experiential webinar, which will take you on a step-by-step journey into a full-bodied experience of Presence or “Me Here”.  With each portal we will look at potential pitfalls, such as the way in which we habitually relate to the present moment, how we relate to our thoughts and how we assess our momentary experiences.

With each step of this journey there will be plenty of time to practice what it takes to go deeper into an experience of Presence.  Each practice will be followed by an opportunity to share your experiences within the safety of a small group.

This webinar is open to anyone regardless of their level of training and experience in Focusing. Some familiarity with Focusing may be helpful but is not required. Best to book swiftly as there is one place available.

Date& Time:     Saturday 15thJune from 2pm till 6pm BST (including a 20 minute break)

Venue: Virtual “meeting room” on Zoom platform. If you do not already have Zoom on your computer, you will be given simple instructions for downloading Zoom (free of charge) prior to the session.

 Booking: The cost for the webinar is £80. To book your place, email Cecelia Clegg on will send you payment instructions.

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