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adriana dorsett
- Creativity
As well as being a Focusing Practitioner I have been working with individuals and couples as a relationship counselor, with Relate Avon in Bristol. My passion for Focusing and Counseling led me towards (IFS) Internal Family Systems, specialising in intimacy.
What services do I offer?
Focusing Practitioner
Relationship Counselor
(IFS) Internal Family Systems Practitioner
Mediator (Conflict)
Writing for Wellbeing facilitator
My background in Focusing
I have combined my passion for writing with Focusing using (TAE) Thinking at the Edge.
As well as being a Focusing Practitioner I am qualified to work with individuals and couples as a relationship counselor. This involved a Systemic and psychodynamic training.
I have qualified at Level 2 as an (IFS) Internal Family Systems practitioner.
I am qualified as a Mediator and have worked with Bristol Mediation.
I qualified as a Writing for Wellbeing facilitator with the Orchard Foundation.
I have studied (NVC) Non-Violent Communication extensively.
I studied and worked for 2 women's charities (TESS), for women and girls affected by Self-Harm, and (SARSAS) Somerset and Avon Rape & Sexual Abuse Support.
How do I practice?
It's been brilliant working with Adriana. Her clarity and precision of communication is excellent, as is the way she holds space; gently, kindly, non-judgmentally. It feels very safe working with Adriana. Working with Adriana helped me to more clearly recognise patterns of behaviour; some of which hold me back, some of which move me forward. Some of the results were that i had a lot more clarity about my vision and goals for my creative practise, certain projects in particular, with more insight about what tends to hinder and what tends to help me. The process of focusing is so clarifying that i even had new ideas for my creative practise, aside from the general, and rich, insight into life, work, relationships...etc., that it gave me.
It's a bit long, maybe? Please feel free to use whichever parts you want and/or i'm happy to amend/edit.
Thank you so much!, Isaac.
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