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Amanda Raine

East Sussex, UK

  • Grief
  • Trauma
  • Spirituality
  • Dreams
  • Inner relationship Focusing
  • NVC
  • IFS (Internal Family Systems)


I struggled for over twenty years with depression, CPTST, eating disorders and addictions, and it was Focusing that brought the deep empathic listening and longed for change.  Sharing this life changing process continues to inspire and touch me as I witness people's unique journeys unfolding.

What services do I offer?

I offer Focusing sessions that support individuals to deeply listen and tune in to their own felt sense, and unique sense of rightness, with care, respect, and authenticity, I draw richly on my own experience of working with depression, anxiety, addictions, disordered eating, trauma, CPTSD, neurodiversity, narcissism, codependency and inner criticism.

Focusing 'One to One' sessions - online and by phone

IFS (Internal Family Systems) and Focusing

NVC and Focusing 'One to One' sessions.

Secondary Mentoring for Practitioner trainee

Please contact Amanda directly if you would like to explore what could support you.

My background in Focusing

From my own journey I’ve gathered, skills, knowledge and insight which I believe can profoundly assist others on their journeys of life.

The basis of my work is inspired by ‘Inner relationship Focusing’ which was developed by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara Mc Gavin.

In addition to my own private practice I have assisted on many courses taught by senior teachers including Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara McGavin. I have also assisted the psychotherapist Dr Helene Brenner with her work on moving through core issues with Focusing, and also trauma and Focusing for healing professionals. I have assisted Jan Hodgman, an ordained Zen priest with her courses on meditation and Focusing, and ‘The Great Matter’, an exploration though Focusing into death, dying, bereavement and grief.


I qualified as a Focusing Practitioner and teacher in 2012. I’m registered with The Focusing Institute in the USA and The British Focusing Association (BFA).

I under took two Focusing Practitioner and Teacher trainings and qualified in both. These were with Anne Weiser Cornell in the USA and Peter Gill in the UK with Barbara McGavin as my Supporting Mentor for both.

I'm qualified as an Internal Family Systems Practitioner (IFS) and trained with IFS UK.
IFS brings together so much of what I value in Focusing, NVC, Havening and trauma care/healing. Focusing provides the bedrock to my IFS work with rich overlaps and differences. Many people with an interest or experience in Focusing find IFS sessions very supportive and resonant.

In 2010 I became a Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer (, which is also known as Compassionate Communication. I have received trainings from Dr Marshall Rosenberg, and a number of internationally renowned trainers including Robert Gonzales, Bridget Belgrave, and Gina Lawrie.

I am a Certified Havening Practitioner. The empathic listening of Focusing fits perfectly with the gentle, safe approach of Havening for releasing trauma, phobia’s and affecting change in all areas of life through the generation of delta brain waves.

I am committed to continued professional development. Since qualifying as a Focusing Practitioner I’ve attended numerous trainings with senior Focusing teachers which have including courses with the late Dr Eugene Gendlin.   Between 2012 - 2018 I studied Gendlin’s writings including his seminal text ‘The Process Model’, which outlines his philosophy underlying Focusing.  These weekly sessions with Dr R Parker, a colleague and friend of Gendlin brought great insight and understanding to my Focusing work.  I continue to attend a range of Focusing trainings organised by The international Focusing Institute and others.

In addition to ongoing learning in Focusing and Havening I continue to broaden my growth and understanding through additional trainings. The exploration of trauma, it's emotional and physiological impact, release, healing and care is of immense value to my work. I completed PTSD Level One Training with Bodynamic. I have attended courses and seminars with Bessel van der Kolk, Janina fisher, Stephen Porges, Gabor Mate, Richard C Schwartz, Diane Poole Heller, Peter A Levine, Sarah Peyton, and Niki Skye. The impact of Narcissism is also an area in which I seek to support people. My knowledge of this area is grounded in my own personal experience and extensive learning through on-line courses with leading specialists.

How do I practice?

  • Phone
  • Online

Supporting mentor

The journey to becoming a Focusing Practitioner is unique to each person . I see my role as being alongside you in ways that fit most to your needs as you explore and grow personally and professionally. You may wish to work on areas of your learning and reviewing your Focusing sessions with others. You may prefer to use your time for your own Focusing sessions. Each time we meet you can sense freshly into what would benefit you the most. You may have a clear sense of what works for you or you may like to explore possibilities and suggestions. In addition to being a certified Focusing Practitioner and Teacher I’m also experienced in working with trauma, Eating Disorders, addictions and I’m an Internal Family Systems Practitioner. Although Focusing is not offered as a therapy, people can touch very deep places in their Focusing sessions. For anyone training to be a Focusing Practitioner being Trauma Informed can be a very supportive holding for yourself and those you work with. If this is something that would interest you we can look at ways to hold care around trauma.

  • I offer a free 15-minute chat to support trainees in finding their Supporting Mentor

Prices: My standard rate is £65 for 60--70 mins, £90 for 90 minutes, for those who can afford it. For people who need concessions please contact me directly.

My availability: I'm available now


I am so grateful for your skill and care Amanda in the way you supported me in my first focusing session. I felt very clear about what I could do, and what your role was. I felt really safe to go into my vulnerable places, and feel very moved by the deep shift in me, even from one session.

Thank-you so much for the session . . I feel much more at peace than I have been and more present with things ....... I feel I can move on in a more positive way than before the session so this is a BIG gift, thank-you.

Amanda introduced her work clearly and inspired confidence from the outset. Her guidance is gentle and unobtrusive. Her presence supported my journey without trace of her own agenda. An incredibly empowering experience.

I’ve been wanting to tell you how beautifully held I felt and that I’m sure there’s been an ongoing effect and opening

Amanda, I want to send you many thanks for the session yesterday. You have a blessed gift to offer, and your gift has done me good, things are still moving.

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