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Claire Schenk
- Inner relationship Focusing
- Children Focusing
Focusing for me is an alchemical threshold, the exquisite process of a felt sense receiving the safety and unconditional acceptance of true Presence so that what is ripe unfolds/live forwards into wholeness. It changed my life over 30 years ago and has guided me ever since. I'm so grateful <3
What services do I offer?
1-1 Focusing Sessions
1-1 Focucsing and Sandtray Sessions
Small Group Sandtray and Focusing Introduction Days.
My background in Focusing
I learnt the Focusing process in 1990 in my early 20’s and it has accompanied me closely since then. Over the next 10 years I attended many workshops, several led by Ann Weiser Cornell and Barbara Mcgavin and I practiced regularly in small groups and partnerships. The process integrating itself into my way of being.
I’m so grateful to have been introduced this way of becoming a compassionate and empathetic friend to my Self. The spiritual purity of being ‘in presence’ with the Felt Sense in the moment as it unfolds.
I attended a Focusing and Sandtray workshop in the late 90s and was amazed at how the tray could hold the space and potential for many rich, varied and emerging relationships between parts and aspects of Self. It was alchemical for my own processing, the Sandtray becoming a threshold between the unknown/subconscious, through the emerging phases, and what is felt and experienced metaphorically. I found this thrilling, the subtleties of felt sensing and relating to the objects and symbols in the tray, (or the movement of sand etc).
I trained as a Focusing Teacher with The International Focusing Institute in 2000 and Barbara McGavin was my coordinator. I based my project on Focusing and The Sandtray and offered many sessions to children and adults. I continued giving 1-1 sessions while I lived in Bavaria. I also became an accredited Focusing Teacher with BFTA.
At present I am specialising in offering individual sessions in the unique, alchemical experience of Focusing and Sandtray. Alongside this I am studying an MA in Play Therapy and have recently completed the Post Graduate Therapeutic Play Specialist section of this.
I'm passionate about children and adults having access to the metaphorical realms of creative materials/media, objects etc, which in themselves can act as a threshold for the living forwards of a felt sense. In particular facilitating pre-verbal and non-verbal experiencing.
TIFI Certified Focusing Professional (CFP) - Inner Relationship Focusing Trainer
Currently studying for MA Play Therapy at Leeds Beckett University and PTUK
Early Years Teacher (EYTS)
International Montessori Early Childhood Diploma (MCI London)
PGCE Secondary Education, PE and Science
BSC (Hons) Sports Science
How do I practice?
"It felt like a release of energy, like a block had been lifted and the built up energy behind this block came rushing through."
"I realised an energetic pattern today. It feels like a very big step in my life. Oh Great!!!"
"In both shifts there was a big sense of relief and self acceptance."
Relating to sandtray Focusing ....
"Sandtray Focusing is for me a deeper experience because the figures hold the space open and I am able to 'be with' many more parts in one session."
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