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Elizabeth Smith
Southampton SO16 5DA
- Grief
- Trauma
- Spirituality
- Wholebody Focusing
- Focusing Oriented counselling
- Inner relationship Focusing
- Bodywork
I qualified as a Person-Centred Counsellor in 1996 and since then have worked in private practice in Harrow. I am a Senior Accredited member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and also a member of Association of Christian Counsellors.
I first discovered Focusing through witnessing a demonstration given by Mary Hendricks at a conference in 2002. I spent seven years teaching on the HE Diploma in Counselling at Bucks New University in High Wycombe, including teaching and practising Focusing. During this time I studied Focusing at University of East Anglia, attaining the MA in Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy and Certificates from the Focusing Institute in New York as Psychotherapist and Trainer.
Focusing has been deeply meaningful for me personally in discovering how to be with myself more constructively – ‘everything my mother should have taught me but didn’t know herself!’
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist and Focusing Institute Trainer
What services do I offer?
My private practice is focusing-oriented and sometimes I teach Focusing one-to-one. I find Focusing informs my awareness of process in the counselling relationship.
MA in Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy UEA 2010
Diploma in Counselling Middlesex University 1996
How do I practice?
Supporting mentor
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