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Freda Blob
Tübingen 72070
- Trauma
- Wholebody Focusing
- Creativity
- Focusing Oriented counselling
It took more than 25 years of Focusing to find my true calling, that is to teach Focusing with the arts. Making space for arts in Focusing is my joy and mission. I am founding director of FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio, offering Focusing and Intermodal Focusing with the Arts (IFA)
What services do I offer?
I offer trauma-informed arts based Focusing in 1:1 settings, workshops and trainings online and in person. I developed Expressive Arts Focusing (ExAF), a pluralistic and integrative approach crossing Focusing with various methods of the Creative and the Expressive Arts (clinical and non-clinical application). I also offer a Focusing-informed and arts based practice for relational compassion (Community Wellness Focusing) and guide you through Focusing-informed experiential arts engagement (Arts For Focusing Joy)
My background in Focusing
I came to know Focusing in 1994 and took my Focusing training with the Focusing Network FN (GER/CH) from 1995 on. In 2001 I certified as Focusing Teacher FN, in 2013 I qualified as Certifying Coordinator TIFI. I teach Focusing with certification at all levels nationally and internationally with special focus on Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF
I am specialised in:
Focusing oriented Expressive Arts FOAT® (Laury Rappaport)
Existential Wellbeing Counselling (Mia Leijssen)
Integrative Focusing (René Maas)
Focusing Plus (Focusing Network FN)
I took trainings in:
Focusing with the Whole Body (Astrid Schillings)
Wholebody Heartfelt Conversation (Katrijn Van Loock, Lara Peumans)
Dynamic Expressive Focusing/Being Seriously Playful (René Veugelers)
Focusing-Oriented Relational Psychotherapy (Lynn Preston)
After completing my second university study (writing a thesis on generating meaning through the method of Focusing) I applied as PhD student at the University of East Anglia UEA/Norwich (supervisors Judy Moore, Campbell Purton). Although the PhD could not take place as planned, I stayed in touch with my supervisor and started writing. The subjects I reflect on are: Focusing and the Arts, the Experiential Third, Creative Compassion
I am engaged in the European Focusing Association EFA since 2014. In 2016 I hosted the EFA Coordinators' meeting in Tübingen, South Germany. In 2018 I co-founded the EFA Focusing Teachers' group with Fionna Parr as main initiator
TIFI Certifying Coordinator | TIFI Focusing Trainer | TiFI Focusing Oriented Therapist FOT-FOAT® | TIFI Focusing Professional CFP-FOAT®
Registered Art Therapist (AT) DFKGT, Focusing oriented Expressive Arts FOAT® Practitioner, Certified Guided Drawing® Practitioner (GDP), Certified Person-centred Creative Arts Practitioner
Person-centered Therapist (PCT) | Person-centered Teaching Counsellor with specialisation in Existential Wellbeing Counselling
Clinical Psychologist (CP GRAD) | Registered non-medical Practitioner for Psychotherapy
Adult Educator (Ed GRAD) with undergraduate studies in Design Techniques
How do I practice?
Supporting mentor
I look forward to support trainees developing their Focusing project, offering a variety of applied Focusing methods (practise) and concepts (theory). My mentoring style is co-creative and collaborative
Prices: Please check out
My availability: I will be available again by October 2024
Freda is very professional and compassionate at the same time. She brings to the Focusing world a distinctive way to blend the negative moment with the positive, to project a new synthesis. It could be a Hegelian feature hidden in German culture, but it worked so well in practice, that it has made me enthusiastic about her approach. There is a tenderness implicit in it, that we all should experience.
(Online workshop with Community Empowerment Help for Helpers)
Emanuela, philosopher, Focusing Trainer
Thank you very much for everything that was possible to grow and bloom during the five days at summer camp. The seminar with you was such an intensive and rich experience ... All of your expertise and sensitive way of experiencing was so present and tangible.
(Five-day seminar in presence, trauma-informed Focusing with the Expressive Arts)
Maja, remedial practitioner, Focusing trainer
After the webinar I worked on my picture a few more times ... playing with it, discovering more. Everything I found was so valuable. Thanks again for the afternoon. Keep going with Focusing and the Arts, you are really good in teaching it!
(Online workshop, Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF)
Gertrud, pediatric therapist, Focusing practitioner
Despite the online distance, and this is quite amazing for me, I felt very comfortable and safe. Your empathic, clear and soothing instructions and exercises have done me a lot of good!
(Online workshop, Focusing)
Helena, coach
So honestly presented - thank you very much for this beneficial, strengthening offer.
(Online workshop, Focusing)
Astrid, counselor, Focusing practitioner
It is so exciting to see how you are bringing something to life; that you feel exactly what is on at the very moment and thereby accompany me. Thank you so much.
(1:1 Online session, Focusing oriented Expressive Arts Therapy FOAT® )
Gaby, teacher, Focusing practitioner
This webinar was so valuable for me. Your calmness and sovereignty did me good. Thanks for everything, and the encouragement!
(Online workshop, Focusing)
Susanne, remedial nurse
I am delighted that I was able to take part in your courses. I really like the way you convey the content to us. Each of us felt comfortable and valued! This was so motivating, stimulating and moving. Everything was in a flow ... really really nice! Thanks again!
(Felt Art Journaling workshop series)
Ingrid, sythemic therapist and consultant
I participated in Freda Blob's workshop 'Arts Based Self Focusing For Supporting Clients in Trauma-informed Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy'. I want to say that Freda's workshop was very professional. The combination of art therapy and Focusing opened up new possibilities for to process with Focusing. I will be able to integrate this valuable experience it into my daily work. Thank you, Freda!
(Focusing workshop, Annual Focusing Gathering DFG/GER)
Alissa, PhD, psychologist, art therapist, Focusing Practitioner
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