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Greg Madison
Brighton BN1, UK
- Grief
- Spirituality
- Focusing Oriented counselling
- Dreams
- Inner relationship Focusing
I am an existential and focusing-oriented chartered psychologist and specialist psychotherapist on the BPS register. I am practicing and supervising online and lecturing worldwide on therapy, focusing, and related topics. I also host The Living Process, a podcast featuring Focusing conversations.
What services do I offer?
Training in Focusing and Experiential-existential therapy (FOT), mostly for professional psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors from all traditions. These are offered in London, across the UK and internationally, and increasingly online. I am interested in developing more Focusing-oriented organising and public listening training.
I maintain a small private practice in psychological therapy and clinical supervision and unfortunately, my practice usually remains full.
The London Focusing Institute is the venue for most of my local UK teaching. We offer a 2-year TIFI certification programme and we also train our graduates to teach workshops in Focusing and FOT.
My background in Focusing
I was introduced to Focusing when I was studying psychology at university in Canada, in 1982. I used it as a method to support research on the effects of deep contemplation on personal mortality. I began to use it in my own living and studies, to understand what I was feeling and to make decisions. It also became a fundamental part of how I related to others in my life. As I continued to learn about psychology and psychotherapy, the experiential grounding of Focusing was always fundamental to my integration. I used Focusing as a fundamental method in two further academic research projects for my MA and PhD. I continued to train further in Focusing, in North America and Europe, until I started to teach it, around 1990. Focusing supports my natural impulse to question authority, rigid doctrine, and set dogma. I find that it gives me some confidence in my individual experience of the world, offering an idiosyncratic way to navigate situations without defaulting to convention or chaos.
For over 25 years I have worked as a chartered psychologist, existential psychotherapist, supervisor, lecturer, and mediator in London, Brighton, and internationally. I maintain a private practice online and travel quite a bit to teach Focusing-Oriented Therapy and Existential Therapy/Coaching to professionals and students. The London Focusing Institute is a new community of Focusers in London offering training workshops to professionals and the public. I enjoy writing about this approach to practice and extending it into new areas of work like the podcast series of conversations called The Living Process.
Focusing Institute Trainer and Certifying Coordinator
PhD in psychotherapy and counselling, City U, London.
Post-MA counselling psychology, Regents U, London.
Advanced training in existential psychotherapy, Regents U, London
MA in psychotherapeutic studies, U of Sheffield
National scholarship in continental philosophy, U of Oslo
Directed graduate study in psychology and philosophy of psych., U of Alberta
BA (honours) psychology, U of Alberta
How do I practice?
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