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Katherine Long
West Midlands, UK
- Trauma
- Spirituality
- Wholebody Focusing
- Creativity
- Nature connection
I love introducing people to Focusing practice, and am constantly in awe of the many ways it can enrich our lives, as well as to heal past trauma, or stuckness. As well as 121 and group programmes, I combine Focusing with coaching and organisation development.
What services do I offer?
As well as being a recognised BFA Focusing Practitioner, I am qualified at EMCC Master Practitioner level in coaching and a qualified Organisation Development practitioner. Focusing underpins all the work that I do.
I work holistically, inviting clients to notice what may be coming in from the wider field around them as yet another ‘part’ which may have its own meaning to bring in, exploring embodied knowing at individual and collective levels, and sometimes through movement as ways of sensing into what is wanting to emerged, be birthed.
Many of my clients like to have sessions in Nature where we can invite in the natural world body and all its wisdom also.
Most of my sessions are held remotely on Zoom or phone, but face to face is also possible.
• Introduction to Focusing practice groups (4 weekly sessions + 121 session with me)
• 121 Focusing and peer reflection (1.5 hrs)
• Focusing oriented coaching
• Group Focusing / sensing into the emerging future together
My background in Focusing
I was drawn to Focusing at a time when I was exploring ways of being more creative and intuitive in my coaching work and in my role as a coach educator and supervisor. Working with Kay Hoffmann as my principle teacher, I completed my Focusing Practitioner training in 2015, and integrate Focusing with Systemic Constellations, Theory U, Social Presencing Theatre and a number of other modalities.
• Presencing Institute Advanced Programme: Eco-systems Leadership, 2019
• Social Presencing Theatre with Arawana Hayashi of Presencing Institute, 2018
• EMCC ESIA award (European Supervision Individual Accreditation), 2018
• Presencing Foundation Programme, Presencing Institute, November 2017
• NTL Organisation Development Practitioner Programme completed March 2017
• Focusing Practitioner (completed 2015)
• Spiral Dynamics accreditation (2014)
• Certificate in the Fundamentals of Systemic Coaching and Constellations (2013)
• Equine Facilitated Coaching training, with Leadchange, 2013
• EMCC Individual Accreditation at Master Practitioner level, 2011, re-accredited 2016
• Advanced Certificate in Coach-Mentoring Supervision, 2010
How do I practice?
"I approached Katherine about a challenge I was experiencing in pressure situations, such as delivering important presentations, which would lead to physical changes in my body such as light-headedness, heavy legs and dizziness. We spent time bringing deeper awareness to my body, spending time to feel sensations from head to toe, describing how changes felt in response to my posture and really acknowledging how it felt. It was clear, by the end of the session how 'in tune' I felt with my body, trusting it's senses, and experiencing a sense of calm. The outcome was incredibly powerful. In delivering a next presentation the waves of physical issues came as they had before, but this time, I was able to acknowledge them, and not panic, allowing them to settle down. This allowed me to be my best, engage my audience, make a real impact and I subsequently received very positive feedback.”
"Introduction to Focusing for Change Practitioners, lead by Katherine was a masterclass in sensing into the moment to learn through deepening understanding of the body's intuitive wisdom. Katherine created a safe and inclusive virtual environment which allowed me to gain greater space for my own development, and informed my coaching practice for others. Brilliant, would highly recommend!"
"I wish I had discovered this earlier. Katherine is such a knowledgeable and compassionate teacher. I learnt so much and I think the sessions have unlocked an invaluable practice ."
"I joined the programme primarily for personal use however you can't learn something as profound without it having an impact on work. It was probably the best CPD I have had in several years because it impacted not so much on what to "do" but how to "be" and how I show up as a coach."
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