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Kay Hoffmann

Bedfordshire, UK

  • Wholebody Focusing
  • Inner relationship Focusing


I love sharing focusing and find it hugely enriching to do so. What a privilege it is to meet people on such an authentic level and to introduce them to this soothing, enlivening, creative way of being with their own inner world!

What services do I offer?

- One-to-one focusing sessions and training both in person and on Zoom or phone.
- Training in focusing and companioning for small groups (in person and on Zoom).
- Mentoring Practitioner and Teacher trainees
- Wholebody Focusing workshops
- Individual movement sessions with a focusing approach: using inner-directed movement either with or without the incorporation of yoga postures.

Kay offers Wholebody Focusing and special interest workshops for small groups by arrangement throughout the year. Please contact Kay directly if you would like to request a workshop in your area.

My background in Focusing

I first encountered focusing in 1998 and did my foundation and Practitioner training with Barbara McGavin in Inner Relationship Focusing. Along the way, I added experience in Wholebody Focusing (with Kevin McEvenue and Addie van der Kooy), Meditative Listening (with Rob Foxcroft), Bio-Spiritual Focusing (with Lesley Wilson) and Children Focusing (with Eileen Fendick). I was very lucky to have Rob, Barbara, Lesley and Peter Afford's input and support as I worked towards teaching focusing to groups and then becoming a BFA Training Mentor in 2010.


BFA Focusing Practitioner
BFA Focusing Teacher
BFA Focusing Mentor
TIFI Focusing Trainer
TIFI Focusing Coordinator
Yoga Teacher (certified by The Yoga for Health Foundation)

How do I practice?

  • In person
  • Phone
  • Online

Supporting mentor

  • I offer a free 15-minute chat to support trainees in finding their Supporting Mentor

Prices: £55 per hour

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