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René Veugelers
- Grief
- Wholebody Focusing
- Focusing Oriented counselling
- Bodywork
- Nature connection
- Children Focusing
heis an international Children Focusing coordinator, FOT, Art therapist, Psychiatric nurse trained in Emerging Body Language (EBL). He lives in the Netherlands, where he works with parents, toddlers, children and adolescents, emphasizing the non-verbal world and (early) inner child experiences
What services do I offer?
mentoring / supervision
1 to 1sessions
and Focusing training and Children Focusing training
My background in Focusing
As a Coordinator specialising in Children’s Focusing, with an emphasis on the non-verbal world, René teaches parents, therapists, teachers and others how to be with children in a Focusing way, how to (re)connect to their own inner child experiences and how to integrate creativity and flexibility into their life and work. His work and experiences as a psychiatric nurse and as an art therapist with children, of any age, embraces an expanded richness of creative elements and support a natural unfolding of creative process. René lives and works in the Netherlands, teaching Children Focusing for more then 18 years and promoting these practical skills also to daycares centre and hospices. Specializing in working with children with ADHD, ADD, trauma and attachment disorder. He teaches internationally: Israel, Russia, Germany, England, NY, Seattle, Gaza, Ireland and France. He is an inspiring teacher who brings considerable experience, subtlety and joy to every person attending his workshops or training
Focusing Oriented therapist;
Focusing trainer and Focusing coordinator
working with children, teenagers and adults
How do I practice?
I would recommend CF training to anyone with a curiosity about deepening their own focusing process and supporting that of children. It was so fun and interesting to me to explore my inner world in a new way: through symbols such as clay, crayons and movement. One of the best parts of the group was meeting fantastic people from all over the world, and sharing all of this with them. A massive thank you to René for facilitating this life-enriching week.
Rene… what can I say? The last few days have been just magical for me. A real life changing experience, one that I shall never forget and I’m sure I will draw on for many years to come. Your incredibly warm welcome, your calm, accepting, friendly, fun way of being made the whole experience SO SO special and I can’t thank you enough for making my time spent with you truly ‘WOW!’
Every time I am amazed how you are able to create such a special atmosphere, which supports everybody to bring out the best they have inside… So different people who often meet for the first time, sharing with each other so sensitive life issues… It’s a kind incredible how such a potentially explosive and delicate interaction can be transformed into the touching, enriching and inspiring one… Thank you very much for staying true to yourself, which help us be more who we are.
“I would like to say that I feel the workshop applies to anyone, not only those who work with children/students. It’s very helpful in all therapeutic contexts to be aware of nonverbal communication. To have such a depthful experience of one’s own nonverbal life acknowledged and supported, is rare and amplifies the need for more careful attention paid during client/patient sessions. I think your work is extraordinary and I hope that many many people get to experience it in time.”
I Ioved the fun elements which you brought into the teaching, the tender, respectful way you held the space for the whole group, and the depth and timing of the exercises. Also the way you led us through the different phases of our own gradual deepening into process and then coming-back-out was absolutely masterful!” “Every time I am amazed how you are able to create such a special atmosphere, which supports everybody to bring out the best they have inside … Thank you very much for staying true to yourself, which help us be more who we are.”
I have done some art therapy training in Manchester years ago and really love wholebody focusing, dance, story telling, ritual and symbols so it was so lovely to have these threads woven together in your workshops. You are so skilled and yet how you engage feels very natural and intuitive. I felt at home with this way of working”.
“A lot of that comes from your modelling – of that way of being with children – which was so inspirational, as well as from the focussing excercises we did. I am sure it has helped in being with my own children at times.” “From René’s very presence which is very tender, gentle, patient, skillful and joyful and firm, you will get a good sense of what it means to embody a Focusing attitude with children.”
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