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Rob Foxcroft
- Grief
- Meditation
- Spirituality
- Creativity
- Dreams
- Nature connection
Meeting focusing was a homecoming: 'These are my people. I knew this all my life. Now I have friends in this inner world.' Focusing and listening have carried my life forward for many years. It has been a joy and a privilege to share focusing with others, and to listen to their inward explorations.
What services do I offer?
After many years of offering workshops and training, I now offer only one to one sessions, face to face (under normal circumstances), or by Zoom, FaceTime, or over the phone.
I offer mainly sessions based on the principles set out in my book, 'Feeling Heard, Hearing Others', but I'm also happy to work with dreams, creativity and spirituality, and to explore issues related to parenting, aging, grief, sexuality, relationships, or cultural differences.
I'm happy to act as a Secondary Mentor for people training to become focusing professionals.
My background in Focusing
I learned focusing from Gene Gendlin and his colleagues at The Focusing Institute, Chicago, in 1988 and subsequent years, and have been working as a focusing professional ever since. I studied person-centred spiritual accompaniment with Brian Thorne and his colleagues at The Norwich Centre, receiving a Diploma in Spiritual Accompaniment.
Cambridge University: MA Cantab (music).
Focusing Institute: Certifying Coordinator.
British Focusing Association: Mentor.
Norwich Centre: Diploma in Spiritual Accompaniment.
How do I practice?
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