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Simon McKibbin

Cambridge CB1 2AD

  • Grief
  • Trauma
  • Meditation
  • Spirituality
  • Wholebody Focusing
  • Creativity
  • Inner relationship Focusing
  • Bodywork
  • NVC
  • Nature connection


I met Gene Gendlin, the founder of Focusing in 2008 and I was so moved by this meeting, it endeared me to want to embrace this precious approach. I am inspired to share the magic of Focusing so the fresh edge of all that knows it's rightness in you can show itself in its fulness and more.

What services do I offer?

One to One Focusing Coaching to learn/enhance Focusing skills

One to One Focusing Resourcing for challenging times

Focusing Training for groups and Community development

Focusing is often combined with Nonviolent Communication NVC / Mindfulness to enhance and deepen Presence in all disciplines.

A large part of my work involves Focusing based Mindfulness at Cambridge University where I work as a Mindfulness teacher.

My background in Focusing

I came across focusing in 1990, introduced to me on a retreat where I was struggling, to say the least! I was so touched by this intervention that I kept connected to this vision. I offer it today inspired by my own continuing transformation and wonder and awe of the process that seems to have no end! A continuing spiral of the fresh edge! I integrate 35 years of continual mindfulness meditation practice and teaching, with 18 years of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into the Focusing approach to offer a grounded, responsive and available experience that is truly transformative.


Practitioner with BFA
Teacher with BFA
Mindfulness Associate Cambridge University
Breathworks Mindfulness Based Pain Management (MBPM) Certified
Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) certified dot-b trainer
CNVC certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer

How do I practice?

  • In person
  • Phone
  • Online

Supporting mentor

To be fully present with you to meet you where you are and to join you in sensing your next steps in your own Focusing Journey.

  • I offer a free 15-minute chat to support trainees in finding their Supporting Mentor

Prices: 50

My availability: Available all year around (not August or December)


''Since completing the travelling lighter zoom focusing course I feel more connected to myself and the world around me in quite a magical way.
I have started to find ways to be with my experience in more openness, to be more curious and accepting and to be more grounded.
Simon helped us create a space of safety, openness and invariably humour, that we moved more deeply into together as the course progressed.
The course felt very spontaneous and alive and as Simon said at the beginning of the course, focusing is caught, not're in for a treat.'

Simon's broad learning and practice of NVC and Mindfulness based therapy and his practice and experience in Focusing has facilitated a heartfelt encounter with deep listening. The three modules so far deepened my understanding and appreciation of the power of focusing. Our twice weekly sessions have facilitated a deep communal sharing which has allowed us to connect to our hearts and the felt sense of presence and deep listening.

‘I have found the Online Focusing Foundation course with Simon highly transformational and supportive on my own personal enquiry path. Focusing has a profound simplicity that has inspired me to continue on this journey in my life , noticing myself and others with new eyes at every moment. Sinhaketu’s guidance and accompaniment is exquisite, bringing spontenaity and vulnerability in the teachings has made this course unique for me, it resonates with a way of life I am heading as I keep remembering the way home.’

The only way that I can make the word for the journey is to imagine it's like the wardrobe in the lion, witch and wardrobe. Or a pin hole camera! Focusing has been and continues to be almost as important to me as sleep - very important! This course with Simon was the biggest gift and I'll always be grateful to him for helping me establish a focusing practice.

‘I’ve developed a capacity through working with Simon to come into presence by myself, to hold myself more, to listen more deeply, to allow a little more fully, to become overwhelmed less often.
I’ve seen how he uses focusing to connect with nature and animals, as well as himself… and this is sneaking its way into my life too.’

‘I have been doing this training over 3 modules now and it is wonderful, and absolute gem of a course and Trainer. Highly, highly recommended’!!!

My experience with the online focusing course has been of extremely important to me. I didn't know what Focusing was - I had only done one group session with Simon during a day of different workshops and I was struck by it, to the point where I didn't have to think twice when I had the opportunity to embark on this beautiful journey.

I’m very grateful to Simon for all his inputs - I see them as seeds that he’s passionately and lovingly sowed throughout this journey, both in our personal lives and within the space we shared over the past months, inviting a honest and safe sharing and lots of support on the way. I often struggled with noticing the body sensations and holding them more, and Simon has offered me different paths to come to term with it more.

Mondays are a delicious treat I notice how I feel happier having been provided the space and inclusion for which I believe to explore and learn more about my inner world.
I am learning the art of pausing and sensing its all parts in me which have not
been given acknowledgement or even noticed with any understanding before they can be welcomed and respected for greater connection with myself.
I love the safety and trust I receive from our connection it really brings sensitivity and recognition to be seen. I also love the freedom and the chance to be nourished and supported without judging me.
I am only just awaking through this support so thank you very much for making possible all the above I am truly grateful you are in my life on Mondays.

‘I have found Focusing with Simon to be a deeply rewarding path to connecting with my emotional life. So many issues that were never allowed to be, just held inside me in a state of stuckness. Focusing has allowed me to release them and has brought lightness and joy to my being’

Thank you so much for the wonderful course. I learned so much and IIam experiencing great healing as a result. In appreciation and gratitude I say a big thank you.

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