Joining the BFA…

On behalf of the British Focusing Association (BFA), we would like to invite you to join BFA as a BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner. We hope you will feel supported by us, and contribute to our future development. 

When you join BFA :

  • We ask that you work within the BFA Code of Ethics. 
  • We ask you to have ongoing professional supervision/consultative support. 
  • We ask you to make every effort to attend BFA meetings, which are as much about peer development and support as about the Association’s business.
  • We encourage you to seek Membership of The Focusing Institute (

As a BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner :

  • You will be entitled to describe yourself as a ‘BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner’ and have an entry in the BFA website, where you can advertise your Focusing events and be included in the BFA Directory of Focusing Teachers and Practitioners. 
  • Recognition as a Focusing Practitioner by BFA supports you in offering one-to-one guided Focusing sessions to existing Focusers and to people new to Focusing, to teach Focusing one-to-one, and to use Focusing in the context of other professional activities for which you have relevant qualifications.

If you decide not to join BFA, we would encourage you to participate in the wider world of Focusing, by belonging to The Focusing Institute. In that case, you will not be entitled to describe yourself as a ‘BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner’, but you will still be entitled to say you are a ‘graduate of a BFA-approved Focusing Practitioner training’.. 

All BFA members agree to attend regular Peer Consultative Support sessions and we recommend that you stay in touch with your BFA-recognised Mentor for at least a year for your professional work with Focusing.

If you intend to teach Focusing to groups, we strongly recommend you to join a teacher training course run by a BFA-recognised Focusing Mentor, with a view to becoming a BFA-recognised Focusing Teacher. There are at present six BFA-recognised Focusing Mentors in the UK, Peter Afford, Rob Foxcroft, Kay Hoffmann, Peter Gill, Barbara McGavin and Fiona Parr. Their contact details can be found on the BFA website: 

Read more about the BFA in this document

What next?
If you have any questions or would like to talk Membership over, please get in touch with us (our contact details are below) – or speak to your Mentor. If you are ready to join then follow the link below to proceed with your membership process. Some useful information:

  • As part of the joining process you will be asked permission to share your details with other members (and with the public if you choose to have a public profile on the site)
  • You will need your bank details for the direct debit payments if you are choosing to pay that way
  • If you want a profile page, you will also need a profile photo.


Fiona Parr Telephone: 01626 821110

Celia Dawson Telephone: 07952692639

BFA Membership Secretary: Sarah Paul