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4-week introduction to focusing and listening

22nd January 2019 - 12th February 2019 Skype Worldwide


If 2019 is your year to learn focusing this 4-week online intro course may be for you!

The group (max 5 participants) will meet on four consecutive Tuesdays from 1.30 to 3.45pm via Zoom to learn focusing and listening in a friendly, relaxed setting. Each call will include time to settle in together, teaching input and time to practice focusing and listening in pairs or triads.

This 4-week block is also the first section of a 6-month Focusing Skills Course (see events listing). You are welcome to sign up for the whole course after attending the introduction if you so wish.

There will be another group running on Wednesday mornings and possibly also an evening group, so please get in touch if an evening would work better for you.

Cost: £120

Email for further details:


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