First steps in Thinking at the Edge (TAE)

20th January 2024 - 10th February 2024 South West
Specialist Workshop/Event
Thinking at the Edge is embodied thinking. It’s the crossover between thinking and sensing in a Focusing way. It’s especially helpful if you have some writing or study that you want to do; some area of exploration where you already have some knowledge.
TAE helps you to articulate something that you have always found difficult to say, and yet you know something about this subject, because you have experienced it, and your body knows what it is.
The starting place is to find something that is important to you; a passion, something you care about. This is an opportunity to explore something that you enjoy doing, studying or being involved with. It could be something you are following, exploring, or practising.
This is an introductory course, giving you time to explore the first stages of the TAE process (steps 1 – 7). That is valuable in itself – it’s an adventure in thinking, Focusing, self-exploration and questioning. It’s challenging, demanding and very enjoyable.
What do you know something about, that only you could say, because no one else has exactly that take on it? When you find what it is, and find ways to give expression to it, you give something to the world. You add something to the world that only you have, that no one else has.
Eugene Gendlin said ‘You need to stand again in your own experiencing … in your own felt ongoingness, which is that intricate complexity inside of life … to put into the world what hasn’t been said yet that you are carrying from your particular experience.’
Mary Hendricks said, ‘People’s eyes sparkle when they try TAE: “I discovered the process that really is my own thinking!” “I grew up believing I was stupid, so I kept quiet. Now I know I can say what I know. I am not so stupid.”‘
Prerequisite: Focusing Skills Course Level 2