BFA Focusing Skills Course

Liverton, Devon, UK
Focusing Skills Certificate Workshop/Event
This is an in-person non-residential weekend course in beautiful Dartmoor. You can stay at local B&Bs. The course runs from 10am – 5pm, both days.
The course is five weekends, with a month’s break in between each Level for you to practice and to integrate what you have learned.
Learn how to listen to your inner wisdom through creating a positive inner relationship with yourself. Develop the knowledge and skills to begin to Focus alone. Practise the listening skills that enable you to companion someone else in a Focusing partnership. By the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of the Focusing process, and you will be able to join a peer group of Focusers, form Focusing partnerships, and integrate Focusing into your life and your work.
The Focusing Skills Course comprises of 5 Levels, or modules, and leads to a Certificate in Focusing skills which is the foundation for professional training, and gives you a good grounding in the practice of Focusing and Companioning.
The course is based on experiential learning. In each class, you will learn a specific aspect of Focusing and Listening, see a demonstration or do an exercise; and then practice what you are learning in pairs or the whole group. After the session we come back together as a group, hear how it went, any feedback and learning to share and further discussions.
Course outcomes: Learn how to Focus with a Companion.
Learn how to be a good Focusing Companion.
Learn how to become present to your experience.
Develop a base for integrating Focusing into your life, for your own personal growth and development.
Prerequisite: an individual guided Focusing session. Sessions take an hour and costs £50.
Cost: £150 for each Level. £125 early bird price if you pay at least a month before the course starts. There is a discounted price of £575 for all five Levels.