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BFA practitioner training 2024

19th February 2024 Zoom

Professional Training Workshop/Event

Starting April 1st 2024 or thereabouts . My BFA Focusing Practitioner training.


If you want to take Focusing further or apply it professionally, you might be interested in the Focusing practitioner and Teacher training.

  • You can follow the training because you
  • Just love Focusing and want to explore it and live it more deeply
  • Want to teach Focusing to others in a one-to-one or group setting
  • Take Focusing into your practice as a therapist, body-worker or coach, for example

The trainings are very much led by you and your passions and interests. You are encouraged to follow your own sense of rightness and wisdom all the way through the training. Usually I try and gather students in small groups to begin the training together. This provides support for your journey. However much of it is self-led and motivated by you.


Comprises of 3 online training modules, assisting on workshops, one to one mentoring and more.

For more details follow the link or message me for more details


Booking link (offsite)

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