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BFA Practitioner training course

12th October 2018 - 15th October 2018 The Purley Chase Centre, near Atherstone, Warwickshire, West Midlands


New practitioner training programme commencing this Autumn!

If you have already attended a BFA Focusing Skills  course (or an equivalent foundation in Focusing and listening) and are keen to take Focusing further, you are very welcome to join this training. You do not necessarily need to feel drawn towards working professionally with Focusing - perhaps you would simply like to deepen your experience and understanding of Focusing and explore ways of sharing it with your friends and family.

The training will take a minimum of one year to complete. The programme structure is as follows:

  • three 3-day residential workshops
  • 12 online group seminars
  • 12 one-to-one mentoring sessions
  • a minimum of 3 sessions with a second mentor
  • ongoing focusing and listening practice
  • sharing Focusing with new people
  • peer group support
  • private study

If this sparks your interest, please email me to request further details. I look forward to hearing from you!

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