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Presence, Blocks and the Inner Relationship

19th October 2024 - 23rd November 2024 Online - Zoom, South East

Focusing Skills Certificate

Two Saturdays: When Focusing we want to cultivate an ability to be present with our experience. Getting the right distance from difficult feelings can help us feel calmer and less overwhelmed. Developing a sense of presence also allows us to recognise the rich complexity of our experience, to stand back and marvel at the variety in our inner experience and foster a kinder relationship within.

You might notice you have a virulent inner critical voice, or you might notice a young seeming part of you, or a ‘joker’ or a rageful part. All of our inner parts have a role to play in who we are and how we travel through life. If we can only listen to them in a certain way then we can discover the role they have to play and how we can get the most out of our relationship with them.

As well as looking at our Inner Relationship and how to work with the different parts of us, during this pair of days we will also look at some of the reasons why you might get stuck when you’re Focusing and how to work with things that seem to get in the way of the process.

This workshop is suitable for people who have completed a one or two day Introduction to Focusing.

These two day workshops should be booked together and make up days 3 and 4 of Skills Certificate in Focusing.

Each day is 10am – 5pm and the two days cost £150

For more information or to book visit or


call 07851 086 396

Booking link (offsite)

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