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certified TIFI practitioner 1 to 1

17th September 2024 - 15th July 2025 Zoom

Focusing Skills Certificate Ongoing groups & offers

This training is open to people who have completed the whole Focusing base. Harriet and Rene are offering their International online Certification Program to become a Focusing Practitioner, by recording sessions (with adults and/or with Children). Developing and deepening your own style and Focusing skills.  Integrate this into your life, work and transfer it to others . It starts after the summer on a teusday at 19 Pm CET (Amsterdam time) with 10 monthly zoom meetings:    4 key elements are important
1. Concrete experience (doing/ having an experience)
2. Reflective observation, (reviewing/ reflecting on the experience)
3. Active experimentation (planning, trying out what you have learned)
4. Abstract conceptualization (concluding, learning from the experience)


Booking link (offsite)

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