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Focusing Foundations Training Level Three & Level 4
Marie Connors
30th July 2024 - 1st October 2024
Focusing Skills Certificate
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This course offers a rich potential for change. It opens a doorway to a space where it is possible to transform your life in a way that feels right for you. Focusing is a practice everyone can learn without undertaking years of professional development or going to see a therapist. With a little training, you can learn to access the space beyond your thoughts to find the “more” that is happening in any situation. When we are in contact with our direct experience of the “more”, small steps of change begin to emerge, and this can lead us on to fresh life-giving directions. The wonderful thing is that when you learn focusing you can use it whenever you need it for the rest of your life.
Foundations in Focusing Level 1 & 2 is a prerequisite to this course.
This Course is for you if you would like to….
Be part of an embodied empathetic, warm group of human beings who can listen deeply to one another and inside themselves.
Learn to pause, slow down, and regulate uncomfortable states by coming into relationship with your direct experience of this present moment.
Learn to be with the pain of life in yourself and others in ways that bring relief, transformation, and a return to wholeness.
Get enough personal attention in your experiential learning inside a small group (Maximum 10 people).
Experience relief from physical and psychological tensions and chronic pain.
Connect to the authentic truth within your embodied self.
Gain more clarity and direction about what you need to bring your life forward.
Experience more fullfillment in your relationships and your life situations
Become a Focusing professional, this course is the foundation for further certification.
In level three and four trainees learn how to guide the Focusing process from a place of empathetic attunement. They learn how to follow the information that is emerging from the Felt-Sense so that it can lead the way. Advanced companioning skills are taught such as, offering suggestions, how to intervene in a Focusers silence and how to take back what they suggested if it wasn’t helpful. Companions are receptive to the needs of the Focuser including guidance or reflection or silence. They learn how to help with conflicting parts, exiled parts, painful parts and an inner criticizing process. They learn and share ways of responding when the Focusing process seems blocked, including when the Focuser feels nothing, “resistance,” when the Focuser feels overwhelmed, when the Focuser is experiencing pain, when the Focuser tells stories or is “in the head.” Trainees will learn a Focusing approach to meeting Traumatic experiences as well as a Focusing through a polyvagal informed lens. Focuser and Companion will practice trusting the inner sense of rightness that is deeper than any rule or guideline.
All 10 class sessions will incorporate a hands-on approach to learning by including group attunements, experiential exercises and paired Focusing practice. This interactive method is considered the most effective way to grasp the concepts and allows each student to discover their own unique style of supporting this process. It will be accompanied by informative discussions on theory and technique. Additionally, there will be live demonstrations of one-on-one focusing sessions involving class participants.
This course, led by Marie Connors, is a powerful and deep Foundation to this empowering body centred process of listening to your inner self.
Booking link (offsite)
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