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Focusing Friends Community drop-in on Zoom (Living the Gift Donation basis)

4th April 2024 - 12th December 2024 Zoom Online

Specialist Workshop/Event

Theme this Week: Spring and The flower entertains the Bumble-Bee. Bring a short Spring Poem!


OVERVIEW: Find companionship, warm connection in an open and trusting focusing community

For more experienced focusers with focusing skills certification or equivalent

COME HOME with others

Immerse in a deeper focusing mode, mirroring the inner community and supporting each other’s journey.
As within, so without – as without, so within! Experience a profound sense of intimate connection.


Rest in ease and authenticity within the felt-presence of others.
Breathe and sigh in a deeper, spacious, and restful way, invoking alchemical restoration.
Share time with familiars and friends on the focusing path.
Express yourself creatively and freshly.


Restful Presence: Immerse in the felt-presence of others, finding ease and authenticity.
Trust and Companionship: Be companioned and companion in an atmosphere of deep trust and shared humanity.
Nervous System Calm: Enable a centered and calming nervous system.
Focusing Community: Share time with familiar faces on the focusing path.
Creative Expression: Express yourself creatively and freshly.
Deepened Appreciation: Deepen your appreciation and practice of Focusing in a safe, playful, and meaningful context.

Join us on this journey of Focusing, where the Mystery unfolds and alchemy restores, fostering a profound and meaningful connection within and between us.


Simon is the key facilitator although it is held with a strong leaning towards a peer collaboration

Simon is highly intuitive and congruent with the practice of Embodied Relational Presence and works live to follow your needs directly, both of the group and individual. Fun, play, safety, small group meetups, plenaries, interactive, emergent, exciting, community together-orientated and totally live is my style. There is plenty of room to process – there will be conscious pauses to breathe and settle, to savour the experience and deepen connection – and enjoy connecting and learning in an easy and relaxed way.


ongoing drop-in on Zoom

When: Weekly as billed, next meetup Thursday 21 March at – 8.30pm – 9pm

Cost: Living in the Gift

About living in the gift – the amount you give is up to you, perhaps taking into account

(a) your sense of gratitude with what you receive from the event,

(b) how much you might pay elsewhere for something similar,

(c) what you can afford, and

(d) your desire to support this work in the world.


Meet Simon McKibbin / Sinhaketu – Guide and Coach

Creating close knit communities, teams and groups and supporting individuals to become the best personally and professionally they can be is my passion. I have over 30 years of teaching and training in Mindfulness, Nonviolent Communication, Focusing, and Presence-related skills. Extensive experience in various settings, including the University of Cambridge, corporate, and educational establishments.

University of Cambridge Associate Mindfulness Teacher. CNVC certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer . BFA Focusing Teacher. Breathworks Mindfulness Teacher. Mindfulness in Schools Project MISP Teacher. Extinction Rebellion Mediator and NVC Trainer. Samaritan’s Volunteer. Member of the Triratna Buddhist Order.

More on Simon

Booking link (offsite)

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