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Focusing Level 2: Living Forward Energy

9th June 2021 - 30th June 2021 Online

Focusing Skills Certificate online

Level two is the second of five Focusing levels which form the British Focusing Association Certificate in Focusing Skills. You will need to complete level one before joining the level two training.

During Level two, participants will continue with Focusing practice, taking turns to Focus and Companion. Exercises are designed to support working at a deeper level. At the same time, the Focuser is always in charge of their session and each person is encouraged to work at their own pace.

Focusing partnerships will be encouraged and there will be opportunities to discuss your experiences of Focusing and Companioning.

Workshop Structure

There will be a combination of theory, group discussion, exercises and Focusing practice. The course is divided into four parts, each with a particular theme as follows:

PART 1 – You will learn about Gene Gendlin’s Six Focusing Movements and try them out in a group exercise.

PART 2 – Our topic is Focusing with pain and ailments. We will look at how self-in-presence can be helpful when we are feeling physically unwell.

PART 3 – Extending your understandings of the felt sense. This includes ideas about the implicit, the explicit, and the edge of awareness.

PART 4 – We will explore ‘Living Forward Energy’ in a creative way. There will also be a Whole body Focusing Exercise.

Workshop Outcomes

– Deepening your practice as Focuser and Companion

​- Increasing your understandings of the felt-sense including Gene Gendlin’s Six Focusing Movements.

– Discovering how you can be with physical pain and ailments in a Focusing way

– Increasing your understandings and experiences of being self-in-presence.

– Exploring the concept of ‘Living Forward Energy’


Part 1 9th June 2021

Part 2 16th June 2021

Part 3 23rd June 2021

Part 4 30th June 2021


You are most welcome to contact Paula if you would like to join Level Two

Email (function(){var ml=”94nlc.3u0himwopat%e”,mi=”>?73?2B<;?2068A189=@;?:354=;",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;j<l;j++){o+=ml.charAt(mi.charCodeAt(j)-48);}document.getElementById("eeb-842461-572323").innerHTML = decodeURIComponent(o);}());*protected email*

Booking link (offsite)

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