Focusing skills course
18th January 2017 - 31st July 2017 Skype Worldwide
Focusing Skills Certificate
This comprehensive course in Focusing and listening is open to beginners and to anyone wishing to refresh or deepen their Focusing experience. The course will be largely experiential: an opportunity to explore Focusing at your own pace and to connect deeply with others in a spacious, welcoming setting. Maximum group size: 5 participants.
The format of the course is a combination of online seminars and one in-person workshop. Participants can choose to cover the whole course online if preferred. Zoom seminars will be on Wednesdays at 6-8pm. The first block of four weekly sessions will held be on Jan 18 - Feb 8th. There is no obligation to commit to the whole course in advance, so please feel free to sign up for the first four sessions as a starting point.
Please contact Kay for further details.