Focusing Skills Course online/residential

21st January 2021 - 24th June 2021 Zoom / Purley Chase Centre, Warwickshire
Focusing Skills Certificate online
This comprehensive foundation course in Focusing and listening is a combination of online (Zoom) group sessions and one long-weekend residential retreat. No prior experience of Focusing is required. The course is divided into five sections: four blocks of four weekly Zoom sessions (16 in total), between mid-January and the end of June, plus a residential retreat on April 16th – 18th, covid permitting! The retreat will be held at the Purley Chase Centre, near Atherstone in Warwickshire. You are welcome to attend the introductory block of four Zoom sessions without committing upfront to the whole course if you wish.
Each online group will have a maximum of seven participants and all participants will be invited to come together for the in-person retreat. If the residential component is not accessible for you, it is also possible to do this section of the course online. There will be two Zoom groups running in parallel: one on Wednesday evenings and one on Thursday mornings.
In this small-group setting, you will find the course offers a welcoming, sensitively-held space where you feel able to turn up ‘just as you are’. Each session will include time to settle in together, some input on Focusing and companioning and Focusing time in pairs or threes.
The main themes of the five course sections are:
- An introduction to Focusing and companioning
- The nature of the felt sense and how to receive your own and others’ experience skilfully and sensitively
- The gifts of the body in Focusing and companioning
- Offering suggestions in the listening role, and how to be with complex areas of inner experience
- Self-criticism, ‘exile’ and Focusing in everyday life
We will explore these themes together in an experiential way, allowing plenty of time for your own input and reflections.
Course fees: The cost for each block of online sessions is £120 and the long weekend residential fee is £140 (plus a donation for accommodation).
Please email me for further information and booking form:
I look forward to hearing from you!