Focusing With The Whole Body – Relational Embodiment – International Training

22nd September 2016 - 12th March 2017 Hawkwood college, Stroud, South West
A way to live, to work, to heal...
Focusing With The Whole Body - Relational Embodiment
International Training 2016/17
Module 1: September 22-25. 2016,
Module 2: November 3-6. 2016,
Module 3: January 19-22.2017,
Module 4: March 9-12. 2017
Presented by Astrid Schillings
Hawkwood College, Stroud, UK
Focusing With The Whole Body opens the door to the deeper nature of change. We will explore fresh and direct ways of sensing how all life is fundamentally inter-related: our living bodies, the environment, nature and our embodied awareness. By inviting our felt sense of grounding in this wider sense of being, we subtly develop the living space in a conscious whole-body way. We may experience how we are more than our reactive patterns, the stress of life or challenging, even traumatic, issues.
We will experiment with a sensitive listening awareness, within ourselves and person-to-person. That creates space for inner directed purposeful movement coming from the living body itself.
This is how life carries forward from itself in sometimes surprising ways – finding just the right next step. Our concepts about effort, ease or dis-ease may radically shift.
Insights into how to live, work and heal in your own unique way may arise.
Professionals – psychotherapists, body therapists, members of social professions and coaches will find this training broadening and deepening their own work, as well as enhancing their sense of authentic being in the world.
What to expect:
The Module 1 – 4 September 2016 – March 2017
- The foundation of Focusing Wth The Whole Body will be explored and practiced in depth. Some experietially grounded theory will help to spark insight.
- Discovering the Pause as an access into the dimension of direct bodily knowing, which is deeper than the concepts of our “knowing mind”.
- In deep listening we will explore the living human body as dynamic awareness.
- Embodied Dialogue – A relational practice that consciously invites the living process person to person, human body to human body - in groups or pairs. It is rooted in Focusing With The Whole Body, David Bohm`s Dialogue, a participatory spiritual practice as well as Interactive-Focusing by Janet Klein and Mary Mc Guire.
While this training is whole in itself and can be completed with a practitioner Certificate – part two will be offered in 2017 to unfold applications in Focusing With The Whole Body Therapy. The following explorations will be offered: Transforming structure bound process, Meanings of trauma, Is there room for spiritual grounding in therapy and, if so, how to offer it with integrity? There will also be retreat-workshops on Co-creating with Nature, Embodied Spirituality: The Ground beneath the Ground and more.
Some experience of Focusing is highly recommending before attending the Training. If you need tuition please contact a Focusing-trainer. - contact/sessions FWB via skype or phone.
Astrid Schillings: Focusing came into her life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with her wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit she became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. She has been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive Body-Awareness (Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing, Qi Gong, Authentic Movement, Feldenkrais). It took her years to let her entry into Focusing With Whole Body carry forward beyond any traditional setting. Encountering Kevin McEvenue all her previous understandings shifted again. She teaches - professionals, therapists and everybody interested - internationally as well as in her training centre in Cologne. She lives in part-time retreat in Scotland. She has been in ongoing conversation with Gene Gendlin on his extended understanding of the living body.
Location of the training:
Prices include food, tea/coffea, workspaces, lodging.
Reductions are possible according to need and availability.
Modules I – 2 September 22-25. 2016, November 3-6. 2016
Thrusday 18.00 with Supper – Sunday 16.00
Single: 446,50 GBP ; shared 379 GBP; non-residential 289 BGB
Modules 3 – 4 January 19-22.2017, March 9-12. 2017
Thursday with supper 18.00 - Sunday 12. 16.00
Single 454 GBP; shared, 385 GBP; non-residential 292 GBP
Deposit of 300 GBP secures a place in International Training.
Astrid Schillings, Bank of Scotland: sort code 80-46-77 account: 10444464
BIC: BOFSGBS1288 IBAN: GB35BOFS80467710444464