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FREE Focusing 1 hour Taster: Thrive in this climate of Anxiety and Uncertainty

17th November 2021 Zoom Online

Introductory online

Radical Presence through Focusing: Sense Space Ease and Freedom

FREE. Open @ 6.55pm start 7pm GMT Wednesday 24 November

Zoom Link:

Playful, light, explorative and fun – with depth, meaning and heart community connection.

We don’t need to go beyond who we really are to reap the benefits of deep and lasting healing.  As Gene Gendlin said from the world of Focusing ‘every part in us has it’s own innate healing mechanism.’ This element is what makes Presence deeply transformational. We just need to know how to support those parts in us (and others) safely and with space, so learning to come into a Grounded Aware Presence (GAP) invites a full relationship with our sensing, emotional, social and spiritual bodies.

In this way we come to find ourselves, to come truly home to ourselves without any form of fixing or manipulation, a natural and deeply satisfying process shared with others.

This is a free hour session which is open explorative and fun meeting you where you are, exloring your deeper needs and introducing Focusing

The following week (24th November) marks to beginning of a course (Focusing Skills Course for Creativity and Healing) with absolutely no obligation to sign up to and if interested to have a look here’s the link:



Booking link (offsite)

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