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FREE TASTER Embodied Relational Healing and Intuition Focusing Skills Course

23rd August 2023 Zoom Online

Focusing Skills Certificate Workshop/Event


Finally, Live from a sense of freedom and space ….. develop a deeper intuition for authentic and carefree living.

This 1 1/4 hr FREE TASTER will give you a flavour of the course, details as below.  You can choose to do 1 or as many Levels as you like, up to all 5.  If you complete all 5 modules you will be accredited with BFA Focusing Skills.

A unique hallmark on every level of this course is the emphasis and increasing emergence of unshakeable ‘Embodied Relational Presence.’ Vivid embodied sensing brings us into a grounded sense of safety and is the matrix for a deep transformation allowing for a natural intuition to arise based on an exquisite sensitivity from the felt-sense.

Focusing is a moment by moment way of ‘coming home’ to yourself, in that deeper and natural sense of being easy inside your own skin.

It is exquisitely delightful to sense fresh or new spaces emerging even from ‘impossibly stuck’ places in us. It offers a new lease of life.

Brief overview of Benefits

  • Enable a gentle and deep inner healing process
  • Develop a grounded and balanced sense of yourself
  • Express yourself creatively and freshly
  • Authentic, genuine and deep healing
  • Compassionately respond to your inner critic
  • Develop empathic and sensitive listening
  • Enjoy an enriched sense of sharing and communing with others
  • Learn to sense and befriend your body in a new & empowered way Live life from the unfolding fresh moment
  • Find out more how this course can bring a radical shift in your sense of wellbeing, even from difficult places in you.

ALL following SESSIONS on ALL LEVELS will provide:

Free recordings of the session and of the guided attunements after each session

Focusing activities between course sessions with community members


The Embodied Relational Healing and Intuition Focusing Skills Course



LEVEL 1 Embodied Safety through Presence

DATES: . Sept 6, 13, 20. 27. Oct 18, 25 2023

​• Introducing the Focusing landscape

• The felt-sense of Safety

• Grounded Aware Presence

• The power of ‘Welcoming’

• Active focusing partnerships

• Supportive and inspirational community experience

LEVEL 2: Felt-sense Relationship for Flow

DATES: Nov 8, 15, 22, 29. Dec 6. 13 2023

​• The magic of the felt sense

• Creating inner Space for Relationship

• Ways of beginning a Focusing session

• Clearing a space

• Becoming a true companion

LEVEL 3:The magic of Embodied Relational Presence

​DATES: Jan 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. Feb 7. 2024

​• The gifts of the body in Focusing and Companioning

• Embodied aliveness as a gateway to the Bigger Space

• Fresh forward movement through ‘Allowing’

• Gestures, postures & movement and the ‘felt-sense’

• The Body and resonance with Nature


LEVEL 4: Intuitive and Creative Living

DATES: Feb 21, 28, Mar 6, 13, 20, 27. 2024

​• Self-guiding skills and Phrases

• Play and lightness in Focusing

• What is ‘Intuition’?

• Creativity and space of open possibility

• The value of ‘not knowing’ creative and intuitive living

LEVEL 5: Healing and Abundance

DATES: Apr 10, 17, 24. May 1, 8, 15. 2024

​• Focusing and exploring the meaning of healing

• What limits us and our potential

• What does freedom mean?

• Levels of healing, physical, emotional and spiritual

• Poetry and inspirational quotes to support wellbeing

• Resting in the Limitless


Booking link (offsite)

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