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LAST CALL Going Deeper into the Felt-sense Ocean: Focusing Zoom short Course

8th January 2024 - 26th February 2024 Zoom Online

Specialist Workshop/Event

“Listen, O drop, give yourself up without regret,
and in exchange gain the Ocean.
Listen, O drop, bestow upon yourself this honor,
and in the arms of the Sea be secure.
Who indeed should be so fortunate?
An Ocean wooing a drop!
In God’s name, in God’s name, sell and buy at once!
Give a drop, and take this Sea full of pearls.”

Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi


Overview: Going Deeper into the Felt-sense Ocean: Focusing Zoom Course

Journeying into the felt sense, that sea of Pearls

This invitation is extended to seasoned Focusing practitioners ready to plunge into the depths of the Felt Sense Ocean together. Only those who have completed the BFA Focusing Skills course or equivalent are beckoned to join.

Community Alchemy

“In God’s name, in God’s name, sell and buy at once!”

  • Immerse in a deeper focusing mode, mirroring the inner community and supporting each other’s journey.
  • As within, so without – as without, so within! Experience a profound sense of intimate connection.

Benefits of the Focusing Community Ocean

  • Rest in ease and authenticity within the felt-presence of others.
  • Breathe and sigh in a deeper, spacious, and restful way, invoking alchemical restoration.
  • Share time with familiars and friends on the focusing path.
  • Express yourself creatively and freshly.

Journey towards the Mystery

“Give a drop, and take this Sea full of pearls.”

Brief overview and Benefits

  • Restful Presence: Immerse in the felt-presence of others, finding ease and authenticity.
  • Trust and Companionship: Be companioned and companion in an atmosphere of deep trust and shared humanity.
  • Nervous System Calm: Enable a centered and calming nervous system.
  • Focusing Community: Share time with familiar faces on the focusing path.
  • Creative Expression: Express yourself creatively and freshly.
  • Deepened Appreciation: Deepen your appreciation and practice of Focusing in a safe, playful, and meaningful context.

In the spirit of Rumi’s wisdom, give a drop of yourself to this community experience and, in return, embrace a Sea full of pearls. Join us on this journey of Focusing, where the Mystery unfolds and alchemy restores, fostering a profound and meaningful connection within and between us.

8 week course on Zoom

When: 8, 15, 22, 29 Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26  Feb. 2024   Time: 7.30 – 9pm Place: Zoom

Cost: £175 Concession low waged/income £150

Follow your Interest Click here for info and enrollment

Booking link (offsite)

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