How Focusing Can Facilitate Change
17th May 2023 Zoom Online Worldwide
Introductory Workshop/Event
The philosophy behind Focusing is that the inner world is never static. When you bring awareness to something, it unfolds, moves, becomes its next step. This approach is radically different from our everyday culture that is permeated with the assumption that we must do something or fix something in order for change to happen. The pioneering work of Eugene Gendlin in the 1950’s is what underlies Focusing and this work has quietly inspired much of the somatic and mindfulness approach to healing that is being practiced today. In this two-hour workshop you will be introduced to the key aspects of the Focusing process that support therapeutic change. You will be introduced to the concept of the “Felt-Sense”, a bodily experience that is meaningful and has the potential to show you something more than you already know. You will learn about a particular quality of attention that is necessary to facilitate a process of change that happens naturally and easily and without any effort or willpower. There will be experiential practices to support your own embodied experience of how the practice of Focusing can powerfully support growth and change.