Introduction to Focusing Level 1 with John Threadgold and Russ Kendall

4th May 2019 - 5th May 2019 The Meeting Place, North Street, Westbourne, W Sussex, PO10 8SP, South East
Focusing Skills Certificate
Introduction to Focusing
Course Dates. weekend of the 4th and 5th May 2019
Course Outline
Who is the course suitable for?
This is an entry level course on Focusing. This course does not assume any knowledge of Focusing. Anyone interested in Focusing is welcome to join. Therapists interested in Focusing for personal and professional development, as well as Focusing-Oriented Therapy are also welcome to join the course and will gain from this, and we are happy to award a 12 Hour CPD certificate on attendance. There will be no more than 8 Participants on the course.
Where is the course being held and when? The course is over 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) on the the 4th and 5th May 2019 with a 9.30 meet for a 10am start. The course times are 10-5 each day. The Venue - is The Meeting Place, North Street, Westbourne, W Sussex, PO10 8SP
What does the course Cost? The cost is £125 per person, including 12 Hours of training, a certificate of attendance and notes, also tea and coffee provided during the breaks. Does not cover lunch which you can bring with you. There is also a local co-op which sells sandwiches and salads.
What does the course cover?
Focusing helps us to heal our hurting feelings. and does so much more as well. In this course we will cover.
- What is focusing?
- How to spot when we and others are focusing naturally? Its amazing way of healing.
- Focusing skills, including how to use focusing for well being healing creativity and others issues.
- Focusing Partnership Skills including:
- How to Focus on your own
- Focusing with a companion as both a Focuser and a Companion
- Focusing companion skills including reflective listening that help people to focus better
- Information on further focusing training, and focusing resources.
- How to find a Focusing Partner.
- Further resources in Focusing including information on Level 2.
You will receive a comprehensive set of notes which will underpin the course. We will also offer teaching, question and answer, discussion, demonstrations of focusing and also opportunities to practice Focusing using pair small group work depending on the numbers of people who attend. On day one everybody has an opportunity to try focusing with either John or Russell. We will also demonstrate both Focusing and Listening skills over the two days. On day two you will also have the opportunity to practice Focusing partnership skills with each other. Russ and John will act as a support and a resource when you are focusing or companioning the focuser.
Focusing Partnerships On completing this course, and if you feel ready, you will be able to join the BFA Focusing Partnership List on the BFA website and the Find a Focusing Partner (BFA Faceook Group ). It may also be possible to form a focusing partnership with other participants on the course. A focusing partnership can be one of the most effective ways of carrying forward the skills and knowledge that you have gained from the course.
BFA Skills Certificate and additional training available. This is the first of 5 training courses, 60 Hours of training, completion of which leads to a BFA Focusing Skills Certificate which recognises your training in Focusing partnership skills for a peer partnership. This course is a stand alone course.
Who are your trainers?
John Threadgold. B.A. Hons M.A. MBACP (Accred)
He is a Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapist, and Supervisor, and is a recognised Focusing Teacher by the Focusing Institute and the British Focusing Association.
He is also BACP Accredited for counselling and psychotherapy, a qualified supervisor, and a member of the BACP The Focusing Institute, British Focusing Association, the Trauma and Abuse group ( TAG) the ACC. He runs a private counselling practice called New Focus Therapy. See .
Russell Kendall B.SC ( Hons ) MSc Psych. MBACP (Accred.) is an experienced therapist and mindfulness teacher with 20 years’ experience of mindfulness practice. He integrates Mindfulness into his therapeutic practice and runs mindfulness groups. He is also a Psychology lecturer and holds an MSc in Organisational Psychology.
To Book. Please contact John Threadgold at New Focusing Therapy. Tel 020 8330 7341
Russ Kendall Tel 07794 713573