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Journey to Wisdom Part 1 (BFA skills course)

30th September 2025

Focusing Skills Certificate Workshop/Event

In Journey to wisdom, you will learn an embodied skill known as Focusing. Many of us have never learnt to notice our feelings – or our body. We may have never been taught that we have answers inside of you and instead override our needs and innate wisdom. Focusing is a life long skill that opens you to everyday tools to access your own wisdom and offers a route to deep self compassion. Once learnt it can be used in every aspect of living: Self connection, decision making, healing emotional wounds, creative process, empathy with others.


The Journey to wisdom course is split into two 10 week courses, with a break in between. Part one covers the essentials of Focusing and Listening – enabling you to apply Focusing into your everyday life and practice in partnership* with others. Part two goes deeper into focusing by working with parts, deepening your skills as a companion and exploring Focusing in everyday life. You can book both together or try part one first. By completing both of these, you will receive the BFA Focusing Skills Certificate

  • Each class is 2 1/4 hours long, comprising of teachings, Focusing practice and group discussions.
  • PDF handouts and worksheets for each week
  • Outside of class, you’ll have a weekly partnership practice, plus access to a forum to chat with students and teachers.

What you will learn in Part 1

  • Develop the key qualities of curiosity, interest and inner kindness
  • Be safe and respectful with yourself and others in Focusing
  • The steps of the Focusing journey
  • Develop self-compassion
  • How to practise Focusing on your own and in partnership
  • Dwelling at the edge
  • Deeper empathic listening
  • Supporting the focuser to “be with”
  • Empathic invitations to go deeper
  • The magic of the felt sense

Begins September 3oth 10 Tuesday evenings 7-9.15 (No class 4/11)

Booking link (offsite)

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