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Navigating life: Follow your inner compass online course

5th March 2024

Introductory Workshop/Event

How would it be to navigate our life from our deepest truths and values?

How can we find a way ahead with our decisions and life direction amidst so many outer and inner voices?

Inside each of us is a deep sense of what would feel right for us in our lives. We may not listen but is it there! I call this the “inner compass” It can help us to navigate both day to day decisions but also transform the arc of our life. With it, we can always find our way back to a more fulfilling life and navigate the obstacles and inevitable challenges that come our way.

This four week, online course, will help us to recognise the inner compass and listen to its guidance and wisdom. Some themes we will explore:

  • How to find that part of that “knows”
  • Working with decisions
  • Sensing life forward energy
  • Navigating obstacles and tangles
  • Purpose, meaning and direction



Booking link (offsite)

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