‘Teaching Focusing to groups’ Residential retreat

17th March 2023 - 20th March 2023 The Purley Chase Centre, Near Atherstone, Warwickshire www.purleychasecentre.org.uk
Professional Training Workshop/Event
This workshop is for anyone wishing to explore or practice teaching focusing to groups. Participants may be aiming towards facilitating introductory workshops, running Focusing Skills courses or bringing a focusing approach to another group training modality. Whether you are already teaching groups or cautiously considering it, you are equally welcome! The weekend will be an opportunity to:
- observe and discuss different approaches to teaching focusing and listening
- explore your edges around working with groups
- share or develop your teaching plans
- practice staying grounded and connected in the group setting
- hone your facilitation skills with a friendly, supportive audience
- meet with other focusers for support and inspiration
Those who don’t yet feel ready to practice their group facilitation skills may simply choose to be participants for other trainees and enjoy observing a variety of different teaching styles.
Alongside group sessions there will also be plenty of focusing time in pairs or triads, optional guided movement before breakfast each morning and free time after lunch on Saturday and Sunday for walking or resting.
The event begins with an evening meal at 6.30pm on Friday March 17 and ends after lunch on Monday March 20, around 2pm.
Purley Chase is a welcoming venue in the Warwickshire countryside which provides comfortable, ensuite bedrooms, excellent food and beautiful grounds: www.purleychasecentre.org.uk
Costs: The retreat fee is £160, plus a donation to the venue for accommodation in single ensuite rooms, meals and refreshments (suggested donation £234).
Please email me for further details. I look forward to hearing from you!