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The Magic of Rilke; A Felt Sense Odyssey.

20th September 2023 - 25th October 2023 Zoom Online

Specialist Workshop/Event

‘I want to unfold. Let no place in me hold itself closed, for where I am closed, I am false.’ 

Rainer Maria Rilke

This 6 week course is a heartfelt open exploration of Rilka’s writings based on Letters to a Young Poet.  It is not a scholarly evisceration or academic take on Rilke, or his writing! Rather, it is an invitation to experience the direct Felt-sense of the spirit of Rilke, that perfumes his writing, to plumb the depths of our own hearts, to bring forth the magic in there, and for that to speak for itself, should it be moved to do so.

It is both an odyssey of Rilke’s magical writing and an exploration of the Felt sense, as termed by Gene Gendlin, and how we can incorporate this Felt-sensing into our lives for a richer and meaningful way of living.

This course will offer;

  • Brief guided attunements to help us connect with the spirit of Rilke’s work
  • Time to pause and sense deeply within the meaning and richness of Rilke’s poetic writing
  • The meaning of the Felt-sense, (not just about feeling) and how to become more available to it.
  • A communal sharing of what is alive in us at the time
  • A sense of perhaps what wants to carry itself forward in our lives as a result of these contemplations
  • A sense of renewal and inspiration
  • Working in Companioning partnerships for a deeply reflective and contemplative whole-body experience.

‘Believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.’  

Rainer Maria Rilke


See all exciting Courses and Playshops in the Autumn 2023 program


About Simon ‘K2’ McKibbin

I am an inspired Human Being full of the curiosities of life, especially moved by Rilke and many other poets and writers.  I am fascinated by the the Human faculty for and of meaning and how it emerges, especially through the living experience of the felt-sense, and what blocks that and what leads us into the flow of life for a rich sense of connection and freedom.

I have evolved (still in process!) a  paradigm called Embodied Relational Presence (ERP) that focuses on relationship, both within our ‘inner community’ to that of the ‘outer community’, nature, and our existential context.  ERP informa the basis of all my guiding and facilitating.

More on K2’s work  Embodied Relational Presence

Booking link (offsite)

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