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20th Mar 2023

The Art of Listening! A Dynamic Expressive Proces.

Bodywork Therapy Trauma

The added value of Focusing for the Focusing Oriented Professional and Art Therapist in working with adults and children. Harriet Teeuw and René Veugelers


Focusing is a well-known approach in the world of psychotherapists. In the practice of the therapist, however, the application possibilities of Focusing are not yet very clear. In our work as art therapists, we experience the added value of Focusing in practice on a daily basis, because it is a body- and experience-oriented approach, applicable in all forms of (art) therapy. In this article we highlight the added value of Focusing for the therapist. We explain how Focusing originated and discuss a number of key concepts from the approach and philosophy. In two cases we elaborate on how we apply Focusing in our work.

In this article

  • The discovery of the Focusing approach;
  • How the Felt Sense brings the client forward again;
  • How Focusing helps occupational therapists to be an interaction themselves that makes clients better and helps them move forward.


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