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I discovered Focusing in 1998 and have wondered since then how I ever managed without it. Before learning this simple yet profound way of listening to my inner world, I was like a leaf in the wind - simply taking life as it came and always looking elsewhere for guidance and support. What a relief it was to discover that I can stand firmly on the ground of my own in-the-moment experience and trust my inner sense of direction!

Listening to others in this life-affirming way has become one of my greatest pleasures. There is a deeply nourishing sense of the sacred in the room whenever people share this gentle practice with one another.

Initially trained in inner-relationship Focusing, I have since explored a range of other approaches and am committed to supporting newcomers in finding their own, unique way into this subtle art. I especially enjoy introducing people to the depth and spaciousness of the 'Wholebody' approach to Focusing.

I love the flexibility of teaching one-to-one and in small groups. Each session or workshop can evolve according to the individual's (or group's) sense of what needs to happen next. In this way students can find their own balance between theory and practice and determine their own pace and direction. Individuals are able to gravitate naturally towards Focusing partnerships or towards group courses and workshops if and when the time feels right for them.

I also teach yoga both in classes and one-to-one, and enjoy combining Focusing with movement.

BFA Recognised Practitioner, Teacher and Mentor, Focusing Institute Trainer and Certifying Coordinator
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