Focusing professionals directory

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  • London

    Peter Afford 

    I'm something of an old timer with Focusing - I've been immersed in it for most of my adult life. It's a reflective practice that finds its way into most things I do. I've also been studying neuroscience for a long time - Focusing helps in understanding how our brains and bodies work.

  • Norfolk, UK

    Sara Bradly 

    I am a BACP-registered Child and Adult Counsellor offering Focusing-Oriented Therapy. I also provide workshops and training in Focusing which carries certification from either the International Focusing Institute (TIFI) or from the British Focusing Association (BFA).

  • Leipzig

    Amona Buechler 

    Amona has been offering courses, workshops, and sessions online & offline since 1998. She is a Certified Focusing Trainer/Coordinator in Training and a Certified Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer. Of German origin, she lived in Chicago 1998-2015, traveled the world until 2021, and now lives in Germa

  • London

    Renee La Roi 

    I am a long time Focuser - raised in Canada and the U.S. - living in London Uk. I did my Focusing certification guided by Dr. Greg Madison.

  • Stroud

    Claire Owen 

    Celebrating and sharing Focusing, a profound process which has been life changing for me. I love how it gently takes me out of my ruminating into a world of symbol and kindness, where all is allowed to be and where realisation, understanding, relief and next steps can unfold.

  • Edinburgh

    Ruth Friedman 

    I help my clients overcome self-doubt, value themselves more and increase their confidence so that they can bring more value to their projects I have been focusing since 2014 and trained in Inner Relational Focusing and Relational Whole Body Focusing

  • Stroud

    Helen Bower 

    As a trainer I mainly teach care and supporting worker’s own development in areas such as resilience, self-awareness, managing stress, self-regulation and capacity for personal change. Focusing is the main tacit unpinning for this. I Focus regularly and it is my main personal practice.

  • Paris

    Danielle McShine 

    Focusing is a key to unlocking a natural human inheritance. Through this gentle and transformative approach, I've learned that we can be at home with ourselves, whatever the outer circumstances of our lives, and grow more skilled at welcoming both challenges and joys, as new possibilities unfold.

  • London

    Mary Louise Morris 

    I am a Mindfulness teacher and Focusing practitioner who works with adults, children and teenagers. Through Focusing I have learnt to listen to and trust my body's wisdom, and have developed confidence that in any situation, something in me knows the next right step.

  • Scotland

    Carol Ervine 

    Individual focusing sessions

  • adriana dorsett 

    As well as being a Focusing Practitioner I have been working with individuals and couples as a relationship counselor, with Relate Avon in Bristol. My passion for Focusing and Counseling led me towards (IFS) Internal Family Systems, specialising in intimacy.

  • Stroud

    Caroline Redmond 

    Focusing is life-changing. As a counsellor, I rarely include focusing by teaching, or even mentioning its name. I know its power however, and hold it close as a possibility for each session. People know focusing - it is a natural way - it only needs space and safety and it unfolds as it will

  • Hassocks


    I am a mindfulness teacher and trainer and my life and work has been enriched enormously by Focusing

  • London NW5, UK

    Sarah Paul 

    Focusing has become one of my most treasured resources for finding clarity, inspiration, and meaning - both through the practice itself and through exploring the philosophy it's founded on. I love seeing others discover their own capacities for Focusing, and its value for them.

  • Budapest

    Edit Selmeczi 

    Focusing is an has always been an enriching experience for me. Here I am now to share this experience with others. I am especially interested in exploring the relational field and how the body expresses itself in pictures or movements.

  • Bedfordshire, UK

    Kay Hoffmann 

    I love sharing focusing and find it hugely enriching to do so. What a privilege it is to meet people on such an authentic level and to introduce them to this soothing, enlivening, creative way of being with their own inner world!

  • London

    Farrukh Akhtar 

    I have found Focusing to be one of the most gentle, but powerful ways to cut through all the noise and connect with the wisdom in the body.

  • English Speakers Abroad

    Astrid Schillings 

    Focusing came into my life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with my wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit I became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. I have been been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive...

  • South West

    Carla Walsmley-Esteves 

    I discovered Focusing by chance when looking at a website that was naming the similarities between Focusing and Authentic Movement. For years I have been a practitioner in Somatic Movement, including Authentic Movement and had train in different embodiment approaches but I had never come across Focusing before. I was...