Focusing professionals directory

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  • Norfolk, UK

    Sara Bradly 

    I am a BACP-registered Child and Adult Counsellor offering Focusing-Oriented Therapy. I also provide workshops and training in Focusing which carries certification from either the International Focusing Institute (TIFI) or from the British Focusing Association (BFA).

  • Bristol

    Catherine Flynn 

    I am a BACP registered counsellor who integrates the principles of Focusing into my counselling practice. I am passionate about supporting clients in 'turning inwards' towards their experiencing and also to listening to the parts of themselves.

  • Sheffield

    Colette Cameron 

    Creative practice and Focusing are perfect companions. Images can be made in a Focusing way, and Focusing can be enriched by creative responses. It is this fertile ground of cross pollination, where the two practices enrich each other, that I am especially interested in sharing

  • Brighton and Hove

    Alison Thorpe 

    I'm a self-employed focusing-oriented therapist and focusing practitioner living and working in Brighton. I've been a focuser for 11 years. You're very welcome to contact me to discuss your needs, whether that is counselling or focusing or focusing training.

  • Bedfordshire, UK

    Kay Hoffmann 

    I love sharing focusing and find it hugely enriching to do so. What a privilege it is to meet people on such an authentic level and to introduce them to this soothing, enlivening, creative way of being with their own inner world!

  • London

    Peter Afford 

    I'm something of an old timer with Focusing - I've been immersed in it for most of my adult life. It's a reflective practice that finds its way into most things I do. I've also been studying neuroscience for a long time - Focusing helps in understanding how our brains and bodies work.

  • Budapest

    Edit Selmeczi 

    Focusing is an has always been an enriching experience for me. Here I am now to share this experience with others. I am especially interested in exploring the relational field and how the body expresses itself in pictures or movements.

  • London

    Alex Brew 

    I am a BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner. In Focusing sessions you can expect to develop trust in your felt sense of your life situations and move beyond talking about issues into somatic release.

  • Holyhead

    Kathleen Kingsley-Hughes 

    Focusing offered me the keys to the rest of me! Finding my felt sense revitalised my learning, creativity & deepened by connection to self and others. I am a Certified Focusing Practitioner. I run a private Integrative Psychotherapy practice and retreat in North Wales.

  • Chalfont Saint Peter

    Sabine Lees 

    I am a BACP registered Counsellor and work for the past 9 years in private practice in Chalfont St Peter, Buckinghamshire.

  • Cilfynydd

    Greg Thomas 

    Learning and practicing Focusing has opened a doorway to authenticity and change. This natural process of sensing inwards, is often deepened and enhanced by the supportive presence of another. I value my work as a counsellor and Focusing Practitioner.

  • Malvern Hills

    Cathy Rowan 

    Focusing has enabled me to transform my life from an existence of micromanaging chronic pain to one of finding myself again. The Focusing process gently created showed me how to feel safe living in my body rather than being stuck in dissociation and freeze which had underpinned much of the pain.

  • Rickmansworth

    Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body - that’s been a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opened so tangibly. The trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment became irreversible, so here I am, open to explore and inquire with you

  • English Speakers Abroad

    Astrid Schillings 

    Focusing came into my life in 1981, when a student of Person Centred psychology. It resonated deeply with my wondering what it is to be human, why we are here. In that spirit I became a Psychotherapist/Psychologist. I have been been exploring and teaching extensively on the interface of Sensitive...

  • Exmouth

    Claire Schenk 

    Focusing for me is an alchemical threshold, the exquisite process of a felt sense receiving the safety and unconditional acceptance of true Presence so that what is ripe unfolds/live forwards into wholeness. It changed my life over 30 years ago and has guided me ever since. I'm so grateful <3

  • Trondheim

    Vera Rolfine Fryd Lyngmo 

    Hello! :) One of the greatest things about Focusing is that it allows me to keep practicing standing in 'Not Knowing'; I don't have to choose between what seems contradictory from the everyday perspective. Plus I get to be with others as they discover genuine fresh insights from inside. Yay!

  • Stroud

    Helen Bower 

    As a trainer I mainly teach care and supporting worker’s own development in areas such as resilience, self-awareness, managing stress, self-regulation and capacity for personal change. Focusing is the main tacit unpinning for this. I Focus regularly and it is my main personal practice.

  • Norfolk

    Martin Langsdon 

    I work as a counsellor and supervisor and Focusing is a key part of my practice.

  • Doncaster

    Marie Connors 

    Marie is a caring, Intuitive and experienced Therapist and Teacher. Her work is deep, yet gentle and nurturing.

  • Rob Foxcroft 

    Meeting focusing was a homecoming: 'These are my people. I knew this all my life. Now I have friends in this inner world.' Focusing and listening have carried my life forward for many years. It has been a joy and a privilege to share focusing with others, and to listen to their inward explorations.