Focusing professionals directory

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  • Paris

    Danielle McShine 

    Focusing is a key to unlocking a natural human inheritance. Through this gentle and transformative approach, I've learned that we can be at home with ourselves, whatever the outer circumstances of our lives, and grow more skilled at welcoming both challenges and joys, as new possibilities unfold.

  • Rob Foxcroft 

    Meeting focusing was a homecoming: 'These are my people. I knew this all my life. Now I have friends in this inner world.' Focusing and listening have carried my life forward for many years. It has been a joy and a privilege to share focusing with others, and to listen to their inward explorations.

  • Tübingen

    Freda Blob 

    It took more than 25 years of Focusing to find my true calling, that is to teach Focusing with the arts. Making space for arts in Focusing is my joy and mission. I am founder/director of FOCUSZART The Focusing Studio offering action oriented tools for Experiential Arts and Focusing empowerment

  • Cambridge

    Naomi Silverly 

    Following my own challenging journey with health, I offer supported focusing sessions and workshops for navigating ongoing physical symptoms like pain, tension and fatigue, and the narratives that come up around living with and showing up in the world with these challenges in daily life.

  • London

    Renee La Roi 

    I am a long time Focuser - raised in Canada and the U.S. - living in London Uk. I did my Focusing certification guided by Dr. Greg Madison.

  • Porziano

    Alex Maunder 

    I am a Body Worker and a Focusing Trainer with the Focusing Institute and a Co-ordinator in Training, so I offer Wholebody Experiential Focusing individual sessions, group workshops, and training as a TFI Trainer.

  • London

    Clare Myatt 

    I am a body-oriented psychotherapist and somatic coach, working at depth, weaving focusing in to my professional and personal life.

  • Kenilworth

    Liz Orrell 

    I describe Focusing as the “final piece of the jigsaw”. I have found it to be the most powerful yet gentle approach to personal growth and emotional healing I have encountered in 30 years working in the Therapy, Training, Management and Personal Development field.

  • Sheffield

    Colette Cameron 

    Creative practice and Focusing are perfect companions. Images can be made in a Focusing way, and Focusing can be enriched by creative responses. It is this fertile ground of cross pollination, where the two practices enrich each other, that I am especially interested in sharing

  • Glasgow

    Srikanth Narayanan 

    Srikanth Narayanan

  • Holyhead

    Kathleen Kingsley-Hughes 

    Focusing offered me the keys to the rest of me! Finding my felt sense revitalised my learning, creativity & deepened by connection to self and others. I am a Certified Focusing Practitioner. I run a private Integrative Psychotherapy practice and retreat in North Wales.

  • London

    Mary Louise Morris 

    I am a Mindfulness teacher and Focusing practitioner who works with adults, children and teenagers. Through Focusing I have learnt to listen to and trust my body's wisdom, and have developed confidence that in any situation, something in me knows the next right step.

  • London

    Alex Brew 

    I am a BFA-recognised Focusing Practitioner. In Focusing sessions you can expect to develop trust in your felt sense of your life situations and move beyond talking about issues into somatic release.

  • Saxmundham

    Camilla Sim 


  • Northampton NN3, UK

    Rob Burgess 

    I have been sharing Focusing with people for 5 yrs in 1:1 sessions. I also integrate Focusing into my bodywork practice as both Shiatsu and Craniosacral Therapist, which includes mentoring of other therapists as well as trainee Focusing practitioners.

  • Stanmore HA7, UK

    Paula Newman 

    I find Focusing enriching and healing. It supports empathic and accepting listening, which is in tune with my person-centred therapy approach. I value Focusing as a way of coping with physical ailments, and include this as a topic in my Focusing Skills Training.

  • Tunbridge Wells

    Kirsty Pakes 

    Focusing has been transformative in my life and I am deeply passionate about sharing its gifts with others. It has enabled me to develop a strong, containing yet tender relationship with myself and this supports me to access a kinder and wiser way of being in the world and with others.

  • Peebles

    Cecelia Clegg 

    For me, Wholebody focusing is a very gentle and powerful way of living into deeper awareness of ourselves in the present moment. Learning to allow our bodies to lead us opens pathways to inner healing, is transformative and life-giving in daily living.

  • Rickmansworth

    Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body - that’s been a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opened so tangibly. The trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment became irreversible, so here I am, open to explore and inquire with you